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Cosmos Elite Display Not Showing But Still Tracking In Steam, Won't Boot


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I've had this headset for a year now and it's worked for the majority of the time - however, there have been many, many times where the console didn't load and I was able to play anyway, but it would often require a few boot-ups to make happen and the console would run as a "grey screen" and never really be there. I wanted to fix this, so I re-installed all vive software and NOW it literally will not detect the USB no matter what I do. I have an extended USB chipset (recommended one as well), along with many other ports on the pc itself. The crazy thing is - it is TRACKING in steamvr, but not showing display. It's always worked, even if it took a couple of initial attempts but this is just getting insane. I've been up for 12 hours - I have a sponsored ad to shoot for VR and I'm stuck doing this 😞 I've checked the cable and link box, both seem to be working just fine because I have 2 of each. Display port picks up right away but no usb. 


i7 8700k

1660 6GB


I've even tried an adapter for my USB C port and still nothing.......and I just got full body tracking. Fml. PLEASE HELP. This is beyond insane at this point. The only thing I can possibly consider is the power supply....but then again, would it even track in steam if that were the case? Or register the display port? Ugh......

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