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Focus 3 support on Viveport Infinity


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I know there are purchasing issues to consider, "This is a business headset" etc etc. 🙂 I just subscribed to Infinity to use with my Reverb G2 while some of the Focus 3 features are clearly still being...baked. But I was disappointed to see that the Focus 3 isn't even listed in Viveport as a supported device. Surely the SteamVR games should be compatible already, right? And the power and flexibility of Infinity is that eventually Focus 3 users could find a nice, small library of apps available there too. 

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  • 3 years later...

Bumping this old thread.  Why, why, why isn't the Focus 3 supported on VivePort for mobile content?  Is there actually something different about the headset that means that it is the ONLY Vive product that can't run the games in stand-alone mode or is it just a business decision?


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