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[Unity] InputDevice to get buttons does not work


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This piece of code works on Oculus Quest but not on HTC Vive Focus Plus (the debugtext stays empty)

  • Unity 2019.4.29
  • Vive Input Utility 1.13.4
  • Vive Wave XR Plugin 4.1.1-r3.2
  • Vive Wave XR Plugin Essence 4.1.1-r3.2
  • XR Plugin Management 4.1.0



I need a solution to make a way to get the input from Oculus Quest AND HTC Vive Focus Plus.
Thank you

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Hi @Fangh,

It seems you have import VIU 1.13.4.

You can try following methods to see if this resolves your problem.

public ViveRoleProperty role = ViveRoleProperty.New();

if (ViveInput.GetPress(role, ControllerButton.Trigger))

if (ViveInput.GetPress(role, ControllerButton.Grip))

if (ViveInput.GetPress(role, ControllerButton.Pad))

For controller name, you can try below code.
var deviceState = VRModule.GetCurrentDeviceState(role.GetDeviceIndex());
deviceState.modelNumber or deviceState.renderModelName

Let me know if you have further questions.

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Thank you.
It works on the HTC Vive Focus Plus.
But the app crash (and even the play mode) on Oculus Quest.
I have renamed the AndroidManifest.xml to AndroidManifest.htc and putted in the Plugins/HTC Folder so it is not build on the Quest apk


Edited by Fangh
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I don't need the Oculus Integration SDK to make a functionnal build for the Oculus Quest.
The Oculus XR Plugin is sufficient. My build works well in the Oculus Quest if I remove everything about the WaveXR.


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It's now working.

(reminder : I don't have the Oculus SDK in my project)

This is what I did :

  1. Remove Vive Wave Essence
  2. Remove Vive Input Utility
  3. Remove Vive Wave Native
  4. Remove Plugins/Android/CustomManifest.xml
  5. Remove Wave/XR/Platform/Android/CustomManifest.xml
  6. Using a XRRig (Device Based)
  7. Kept only Vive Wave XR Plugin 4.1.1-r3.2
  8. Use the codebase found here : https://hub.vive.com/storage/docs/en-us/UnityXR/UnityXRButton.html#unity-input-helper


Here is my code which work both on Oculus Quest and HTC Vive Focus Plus :

using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.InputSystem.XR;
using UnityEngine.XR;

public class WaveControllerTest : MonoBehaviour
    public TextMeshPro debugText;
    public XRNode node;

    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()

        InputHelpers.IsPressed(InputDevices.GetDeviceAtXRNode(node), InputHelpers.Button.Trigger, out bool triggerValue, 0.5f);
        if (triggerValue)
            debugText.text = $"{node}-trigger";

        InputHelpers.IsPressed(InputDevices.GetDeviceAtXRNode(node), InputHelpers.Button.Grip, out bool gripPressed, 0.5f);
        if (gripPressed)
            debugText.text = $"{node}-gripPressed";
        InputHelpers.IsPressed(InputDevices.GetDeviceAtXRNode(node), InputHelpers.Button.PrimaryAxis2DUp, out bool touchpadValue, 0.5f);
        if (touchpadValue)
            debugText.text = $"{node}-touchpad";

        InputHelpers.IsPressed(InputDevices.GetDeviceAtXRNode(node), InputHelpers.Button.PrimaryButton, out bool primaryButton, 0.5f);
        if (primaryButton)
            debugText.text = $"{node}-primaryButton";


Obviously, the primarybutton works only with the Quest but I expected that and that's fine.

Edited by Fangh
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