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Missing Frames in Vive Start/Library Menu


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Hello all Ive been enjoying my Vive since Christmas and absolutely love it. Im running a i7 with a 1070 GTX gpu. Recently my Vive started to miss frames in the start/library menu (the area you select your games in), it does not however miss frames once you start the game, in-game everything is fine and runs smoothly. Its only in the menu area that it jumps frames. I've noticed this with the headset on and in the logs. Its not a huge deal since the games work great its just a annoyance I would love to fix if possible. Anyone know how to solve this little problem? 

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I have same hardware setup and exactly same problem. Is there any sollution for this?


What i have noticed, is that when asynchronous reprojection is on, start menu/lobby drops frames radically, but if asynchronous reprojection is off, everything is ok.




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