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Vive software won't download


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I bought the HTC Vive a week ago. After receiving it, I start by downloading the "setup" and the software itself. But when I try to download the software it says "0% -6,41 MB of 1080 MB".. or something like that - 10 min later it says: "the download failed, something went wrong". After it had failed first time then I tried ten more times; unfortunately, it kept failing.


I started researching, hoping somebody had the same problem or someone that has a solution. After researching I did not found any concrete answer, so I tried to fix it myself by using other computers at home... without luck. Then I tried to ask my friend at school if he could help me, he tried and reached 92% then it came with the same message "the download failed, something went wrong"... by the way, he used half an hour getting to 92%


Other things I tried: Reinstalling Steam, restarting my computer (multiple times), using the wifi from my phone, using different computers and downloading Steam VR manually.


Regards Nicklas

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I am having the exact same issue ...have also been working for 3 days with help from Tech Support.  They are having some server problems.   I was told they were going to have a copy of the SW available on another download location and that they would email that to me yesterday, they didn't so I emailed them to remind them.  No reply.   I'm not getting any replies now and can't use viveport or get any of my apps.  Help VIVE!   

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  • 3 weeks later...


I am having the exact same issue ...have also been working for 3 days with help from Tech Support.  They are having some server problems.   I was told they were going to have a copy of the SW available on another download location and that they would email that to me yesterday, they didn't so I emailed them to remind them.  No reply.   I'm not getting any replies now and can't use viveport or get any of my apps.  Help VIVE!   

Did you find a solution? I'm having the same problem with mine

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Hi John,

I'm having a similar issue as those above. I already have my Vive set up, and I'm trying to download the desktop software from the link provided in the 'Viveport FAQ' community discussion. 

The download freezes at 0%, and a popup window prompts me to log into my HTC account. However, the 'Sign in' button doesn't have any response to clicking it, and I'm already signed into my HTC account on my browser.

Any help much appreciated. Thanks.


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  • 1 month later...

Help! Vive SW wont donwload. Pops up window that asks for HTC login. Registered for login and have computer logged in to HTC and then retry and it will still not download and runs into same problem and says "HTC login"

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