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vive tracker as controller


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Hello, i want to make custom controller to beat saber using vive tracker. I was suprised, that there is no way how to set tracker as default controller inside steamVR. The only thing that i can do is set the tracker as "held in hand", but that is not apparently the same as normal cotroller (game does not pick trigger input and steamVR home doesn't show hands at all). Is there any way, how to make this? Also i found this solution on reddit:
But is it safe to make this modifications to the tracker? Thanks.

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@Anonymní SteamVR has a fairly unique binding system that's mostly designed around Valve Index controllers.

Since you're working with an app that you didn't create - it creates some limitations. Adding native support is always best.

Vive Trackers have something Pogo Pins on the bottom to simulate controller inputs based off simple binary circuits. By bridging the ground pins to one of the input pins, SteamVR will get an input signal.  You can use anything conductive like a paperclip or bit of wire to complete the circuit for testing purposes. 

If you didn't write the target app - it be a mixed bag getting working input mapping working.

There's also a USB-HID interface but that's much more complex to use.

If this is just a DIY project, that person's solution is pretty clever - you can only get around some limits with firmware stuff.



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  • 4 weeks later...
On 5/11/2022 at 10:44 AM, Darlene Haskins said:

Reinstall or Update and try again.

I already solved that by changing config as it is mentioned inside the reddit post, so trackers are seen as controllers inside steamVR.

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