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Vive focus 3 compatible with open VR advanced setting ?


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Hello ,
We are making a game on a 300m² surface with several connected live focus.
We would like to know if it is possible to move the area (as with the openVR advanced setting software) and that it remains saved?

Another question, what system did you use to scan an area of +300m2, the players shift when they move in the area after a certain time

thanks in advance
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On 7/4/2022 at 7:26 PM, hymersion-vr said:

We are making a game on a 300m² surface

What is the game?

It seems like you would need to use LBE maps and drift prevention for an area that big.

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Yes we already have the LBE license with the map sharing functionality, but nothing allows the game areas to be moved on the X, Y, Z Axes. We are also looking for a feature that allows you to use a point market so that all users can find themselves in the same place. The game remains secret for the moment 😛 (Esport)

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You should check into the Aruco Marker drift prevention & relocation markers as it should help if you play in a large space. 

I was also just experimenting with the Aruco marker location sharing features.  That is probably a little different than what you are after but it does actually change the users origin once it sees a marker on the wall.  Anyways, what I noticed is that there was an API in their Native sdk for a function that will recenter the space.  I wonder if you might be able to use that or a similar call to SetParameters that will move the space around a bit on the x,z axis.  

key = "ClearRecenterXform";
 Interop.WVR_SetParameters(WVR_DeviceType.WVR_DeviceType_HMD, Marshal.StringToHGlobalAnsi(key));
 Interop.WVR_SetParameters(WVR_DeviceType.WVR_DeviceType_Controller_Left, Marshal.StringToHGlobalAnsi(key));

BTW - if you happen to find more detailed doco on the different key values you can send to that SetParameters function please let me know.  I have not been able to find any detailed doco on it anywhere!

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On 7/5/2022 at 2:26 AM, hymersion-vr said:
Hello ,
We are making a game on a 300m² surface with several connected live focus.
We would like to know if it is possible to move the area (as with the openVR advanced setting software) and that it remains saved?

Another question, what system did you use to scan an area of +300m2, the players shift when they move in the area after a certain time

thanks in advance

I use OPENVR advanced settings with my Focus 3 and it works, also please change the font ^^ 

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