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[Unity] Object materials go pink when Vive is used in the play mode


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Hello, I'm a beginner in VR development, and I followed the Unity VR course named "Create with VR". The course has a project template which was developed on Unity 2020.3, and the URP is used as a pipeline. I developed my project using this template. The course was tested with Oculus headsets so I can't find a solution to the problems arising from developing the same project with HTC Vive.

Anyway, when I go into the play mode, all materials turn into pink, and when hmd moves, the materials leave traces on the screen causing everything go pink. As far as I understood, this might be related to the chosen shader pipeline. In some discussions, SteamVR was thought as the root of this problem. I've found mixed solutions regarding this issue. Is there any way to solve this problem without rebuilding the project from start? You can see how it looks here here. Also in hmd screen the skybox is black, so it doesn't render that as well.

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