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XR Elite - Unity - Cannot Connect Managed Debugger


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We're currently porting one of our applications over from Oculus to the HTC XR Elite but we've noticed we're unable to debug on the device as we would the Quest.

Normally when we push the APK to the device we would tick the "Wait for Managed Debugger" checkbox in the Build Settings.

Although this does appear to pause the launching of the app, the visuals from the headset are not split between both eyes as any HMD should.

Additionally to this, even once the debugger (eg VS) is attached to the headset, the prompt does not disappear so it seems there's not way to do this.

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  • 6 months later...

Same issue here. I also was unable to dismiss the "Wait for Managed Debugger" dialog with an XR Elite. However, a debugger can be attached with only "Script Debugging" checked in the build settings. This means you can uncheck the "Wait for Managed Debugger" and instead use a work-around such as a `Thread.Sleep(30000);` above the breakpoint you want to hit.

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