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[PC VR / VBS] How to use DriverDebugRequest() on Unreal Engine

Vivi Wu

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Unreal Engine does not provide OpenVR IVRDebug interface in SteamVRPlugin, therefore DriverDebugRequest() is not available for game project use.

What you need to do to use DriverDebugRequest() in Unreal Engine:

  1.  Link your Epic Games account to GitHub account and get authorized by Epic Games. 
  2. Modify and rebuilt Unreal Engine according to our GitHub repository
  3. You should be able to call DriverDebugRequest() from your Unreal project now!


If you want to check our sample project for a Blueprint example:

  1. Download sample project  : UE 4.27 sample projectDDRTest_Proj.zip
  2. Switch the sample project’s Unreal Engine version to your local build
  3. Generate project file for sample project
  4.  Now you can open the sample project and check Level Blueprint for the example of USteamVRFunctionLibrary::DriverDebugRequest()

Note: For debug usage, search for “DebugRequest” or “SendV2RParamToServer” In Steam/logs/vrserver.txt  to check if DriverDebugRequest() works properly.

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