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Problem with Suimono Unity Asset on a Laptop


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Hi everybody,

we built a VR Application in Unity using Suimono Asset for underwater effects. The software works like a charm in all pcs and laptops.

We recently bought a ROG GL502V laptop (i7-7700 HQ, RAM 16GB, GeForce GTX 1070 16GB) and we started to have a strange problem: after a random time the HMD loose the tracking for about a second and after that we cannot interact with the scene (and the HMD shows a black screen), the scene slows down and we need to restart SteamVR to bring it working again. We found that this happens only when Suimono's GameOjects are active and also in their example scene (not only with our project). The problem occurs also in Unity Editor.

We tried to reinstall all softwares and we formatted the OS.


We also wrote to Suimono's support to explain the problem but at the moment the problems still persists. Any hint from you?


Thanks in advance.


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