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Unity Direct Preview doesn't work!


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Hi @JosephTsai,

I tried you way, added the XRRIg to the scene and made it replace my oringinal PlayerRig.

But still, my headset and my controllers were tracked (I can see them moving in the Unity Scene window ), but there just nothing display on my headset!

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Hi @Tony PH Lin - sorry to jump in on this thread but I'm having exactly the same issue when trying to develop for Unreal Engine. 

I have the Wave 5.3.0 SDK - which includes the sample project as well as the DirectPreview RRClient (apk) and RRServer.

I am using the Vive XR Elite, it has been updated to the latest firmware, I am using the Unreal Engine Editor v5.1.1   (which the Wave 5.3.0 SDK and project files are meant to be compatible with) I jave a mobile 4090 GPU and have made sure the GPU is set to 'high performance Nvidia processor' in Nvidia control panel.

I have tried using DirectX 11 and DirectX 12 as the RHI under the Unreal project settings.

I installed the apk using the Wave editor tool panel as per the documentation. I ran the RRServer from the tool panel as per the docs and then started the 'Vive Business' apk app by launching it from the editor control panel as per the documentation.

This then does exactly the same problem that @Ring was having - it simply says in the HMD that "Streaming has started via USB cable" followed by "Vive Businmess Streaming connected, waiting for SteamVR" and then nothing happens. I understand we don't need SteamVR to launch and discover the HMD (it doesn't) and I launch the 'Play this level in VR' from the editor but nothing happens. The rendering does not update from the headsets position, no graphics/textures are produced or sent bacxk to the HMD it stays black. 

Also I forgot to mention - I installed the 'USB Driver' (version an d it is coming up under Device Manager as HTC Device/Vive RR Interface. There's also an HTC Device/Vive Hub Interface there I don't know if it's meant to be?


Please let me know if you can help or I should post this in a new thread, IK'm director of an XR company in the UK called Holosphere and we're hoping to use the XR Elite as the preferred HMD at the core of a m ulti-user product we're developing. We need to assess it's viability asap and so far cannot preview any conten t in editor (we're exclusively developing in UE5)


I'll happily work with you and post any logs here to help walk it through and troubleshoot this issue with you.



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