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Summer Bundle Blues: where's my Steam Gift Card?

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So, I haven't even installed my Vive and already I'm facing problems that HTC acknowledges exist, but won't fix (code redeeming page seems to be broken since weeks...).

Main issue: where is the code for my $50 for Steam wallet? Nothing in the box, nothing in my mail, nowhere to be found on this site... You advertise with it, now deliver it, please.

Also: why is your download speed so freakishly slow?

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Ah! That's the problem. I never received a confirmation e-mail. The Vive also suddenly popped up on my doorstepped, UPS'ed without warning. Which was cool and all, but weird. Also: Vive's HDMI cable was faulty, which I discovered after three hours of rising frustration...


UPDATE: They DID send all the e-mails. Not to my Steam-account mail, not to my HTC nor to my VIVE mail (I use the same adress for all of these). For some reason, they send everything to the e-mail attached to my Paypal account (which I ONLY ever use for paypal....).

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Also mentioned in the PM that when I tried to open a support ticket, the captcha doesn't show a captcha. Just "Verification Code" and the refresh and audio buttons next to it do nothing.


Tried in multiple browsers (Chrome, IE, Edge)

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