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Direct preview not working in Unity (2021.3.20f1) with XR Elite


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Hello everyone, 

I am trying to use a sample project to see how to best develop for the XR Elite and I am having a really hard time on setting Direct Preview using the Wave Vive Registry. I believe I have the correct setup (laptop with NVDIA GTX 1060)

I have mainly followed this guide (https://hub.vive.com/storage/docs/en-us/UnityXR/UnityXRDirectPreview.html

  1. WaveXR correctly selected in XR-plugin management
  2. HTC Device drivers correctly installed, Windows firewall with correct permissions
  3. Adb path correctly set
  4. Install Device Apk -> Fails all of the time.
    1. Ensured that the full path does not have any spaces (D:\Projects\DiamondDiggers_XR_noURP\Library\PackageCache\com.htc.upm.wave.xrsdk@5.3.1-r.2\Runtime\DirectPreview\Binary\RRClient\Vive_rrClient.apk)

I have set up SteamVr on the laptop and I am able to correctly to the laptop using the VIVE Business Streaming

Can someone please help me in troubleshooting? 
Also how does the Unity plugin recognizes if we need to start a WiFi connection?

Is there any discord community that helps with vr development?

Any help will be greatly appreciated,


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