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Lighthouse will not enter Standby


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Before I begin, let me say I already have the latest firmware, I have already power cycled both Lighthouses and the linkbox multiple times. I have uninstalled and reinstalled the bluetooth software and drivers multiples times. I have tried reinstalling the entire vive itself once. I have also ensured the bluetooth communication option is checked in Vive settings.

No matter what I do the Lighthouses remain on after SteamVR has closed. The motors continue to run. I've taken to completely unplugging them when I am done for the night but each time I want to use them again, they do not automatically wake up when SteamVR is launched. Clicking to wake them all up also does nothing. I have to get a step ladder and climb up to manually set their channels each time.

Has anyone found a solution by chance? Does anyone else experience the same problem?

Does my computer require a Bluetooth USB dongle for this to work to begin with or will that just interfere?

Thank you for any help that can be provided!

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Try this first:


Isolate the USB hardware as the source of the issue

One of the most common problems with Vive customers is related to the USB settings or setup. Since the tracking, positioning, buttons input and status of all the devices is sent to the computer via USB, a USB issue will lead to major problems with the overall Vive experience.

Before proceeding with these steps, make sure of the following:

  • All the cable connections have been verified and tightened.
  • The link box has been properly connected, on its right order.
  • Original USB provided cables are being used.
  • HMD is receiving power.
  • Customer is not using USB HUBs or USB concentrators.
  • Vive USB is connected directly to the computer’s mainboard ports.


Change port from 3.0 to 2.0

USB 2.0 is the most compatible interface on modern devices. USB 3.0 is faster, but is not always stable with configurations such as Vive. If the Link Box is currently connected to a USB 3.0 port, advise switching the connection to a USB 2.0 port instead.

NOTE: For the best experience, connect the USB cables of Vive directly to the PC, instead of a USB Hub.

and then this: 

Remove All SteamVR USB Devices

The Vive system is composed of about 9 different USB drivers, including Bluetooth, controllers, camera, receivers and audio, among others. Due to different reasons, like software updates, change of connections, system updates or malfunction of a device, the USB drivers might get into conflict and reinstalling them is a good way to get everything back to its working state.

  1. Go to SteamVR > Settings > Developer.
  2. Click on Remove All SteamVR USB Devices.
  3. Once finished, the program will prompt a confirmation of the process.
  4. Disconnect the Link box AC Adapter and the Link box USB cable from the computer.
  5. Close SteamVR.
  6. Connect the AC Adapter back to the Link box and then connect the USB cable directly to the computer to a USB 2.0 port.
  7. Open SteamVR and check if all the devices all properly recognized, by going to SteamVR > Settings > USB > Refresh.
    1. These are the default drivers:


Vive Link Box:

·         Hub

·         Hub Controller

·         Bluetooth


Vive Headset:

·         Watchman Board

·         Camera

·         Audio Device

·         Main Board

·         Wireless Receiver 1

·         Wireless Receiver 2


Note: This list includes the drivers of the devices directly connected to the computer by USB, as it is the HMD and Link box. Controllers and Base Stations are connected to the headset through Bluetooth and then to the computer, so these devices are not going to be visible on this list.

If it's still not working, let me know and we'll try something a little more drastic.


-John C


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Either completely reinstalling all Bluetooth drivers from scratch and power cycling again did it, or something in your solution did. Either way it works now.

To anyone else curious, it does take a minute or two for the lighthouses to enter standby mode. It doesn't happen immediately like it does with the headset or controllers.

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