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I am currently using OpenXR and SteamVR to read the pose of the HTC Vive Ultimate Tracker. However, I am struggling to understand the local coordinate system of the tracker. I have searched through the available documentation but haven’t been able to find any detailed information on this topic.

Could someone please clarify or point me to resources that explain the local coordinate system of the HTC Vive Ultimate Tracker?

Your help would be greatly appreciated!


Hi @VIVE_chengnay,

Thank you for the response, but unfortunately, the link doesn’t answer my question.

What I am looking for is the definition of the local coordinate system of the pose data in relation to the physical HTC Vive Tracker device. For example, with the RealSense T265, the local coordinate system is clearly defined relative to its CAD model, allowing me to integrate the model with my robot application and obtain correct TF information.

However, I haven’t been able to find any similar documentation or details for the HTC Vive Tracker.

I’ve attached a screenshot of the RealSense T265 documentation as an example. I hope to find something equivalent for the HTC Vive Tracker.

Looking forward to your guidance!

Thank you!


T265 frame questions · Issue #772 · IntelRealSense/realsense-ros · GitHub

T265 frame questions · Issue #772 · IntelRealSense/realsense-ros · GitHub






1 hour ago, VIVE_chengnay said:

Hi @VIVE_chengnay,

Thank you for sharing the link. I have checked it (in fact, I had already reviewed it before posting my question here).

The only content related to the coordinate system that I could find is in the Pogo-Pin Developer Guide, as shown in the attached screenshot: https://drive.google.com/file/d/14vkp3oBgFaiLKURyeb42cOtE2mDlk9F_/view?usp=sharing This shows a left-hand coordinate system, but there is no indication in the document that this is the origin of the tracker. Additionally, I believe it’s unlikely that the Pogo-Pin Developer Guide contains this specific information.

I’ve reviewed the documents in the provided link, but they don’t explicitly address my question. Specifically, I want to confirm if the tracking origin I read from the device aligns with the origin of the .stl file CAD model. I believe this is a very basic intrinsic parameter of the product, which should be included in the device manual, but unfortunately, I can’t find it anywhere.

Best regards,


Hi @VIVE_chengnay,

Thanks so much for the follow-up! That information indeed confirms the local coordinate system of the tracker is located at the center of the bottom. I truly appreciate your help and support in clarifying this.

Best regards,

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