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Passthrough projected doesn't work in UE5 build. It works only in Editor

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I am trying to use create passthrough underlay (projected) in UE5 build, but when i use this function the screen freezes and must restart headset manual.  It works correct in Editor (Vive streaming) but when i package the project to a build it doesnt.  


Create passthrought underlay (planar) - works in Vive Streaming and build

Create passthrought underlay (projected) - works in Vive Streaming but doesnt work in build (packaged project). 


Does any one know ahy is that ?


I was trying to use vive_openxr_sample_2.4.2_UE_5.4 and vive_openxr_sample_2.4.2_UE_5.3 but its the same issue. 



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Vive OpenXR Plugin 2.4.2

Unreal Engine 5.3.2-29314046

ER Elite Rome 1.0.999.702

Vive Hub 2.1.7a   

Maybe the issue depends on UE5.3 build package settings 


SDKConfig in Project settings

NDK - 25.1.8937393

JAVA - jdk11

SDK API Level android -31

NDK API Level android-26




But don't know how to generate this log file. 

Do I should start the build with headset connected to PC and start somewhere this commend or start commend inside UE5 project and the file will generate somewhere in headset ?


I did it but cant find the file created. Where is the path of logcatUE.txt  if i use :  'adb logcat > logcatUE.txt'     ? 


I found the file inside the headset.
I added MyCheckPrint only (before last log line) to your sample project to make sure that correct build is started. 

After start CreatePassthroughUnderlay (projected) the headset freezes and can only shutdown it manual by holding power button.


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