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Unity Install Direct Preview device APK failed for Vive Focus Vision

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Hello I am using Unity 2022.3.44 and  version 6.1.0-r.8 of the wave plugin with the new Vive Focus Vision and am currently trying to get the Direct Preview feature to work so I can test without building the apk.

However when I Click on Install Device APK I get the error: Install Direct Preview device APK failed. 

I have already checked some of the topics where others also encountered the same error but had no success in fixing it.

I have tried to run adb install -r -g -d Vive_rrClient.apk in the console instead and get the error: "adb: failed to install Vive_rrClient.apk: Failure [INSTALL_FAILED_VERSION_DOWNGRADE: Package Verification Result]", after checking the installed packages "package:com.htc.vive.rrclient" is already installed. However I do not see the "Vive Business Streaming" app on my device and starting the streaming server and hitting play does not start the app in the headset.


Hi @VIVE_chengnay, thanks for the quick reply.

I have the VIVE Hub installed, but when entering VIVE Streaming in the headset after connecting via USB I am just ported to the steamVR Lobby and when pressing Play in Unity nothing happens. Are there further steps to use the VIVE Hub for Unity testing? A quick search did not really bring up many useful results for me.

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