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How to disable endless Bluetooth pairing requests from HTC BS on Mac


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I am getting this endless pop up bluetooth pairing request from "HTC BS" on my Mac when my Vive sensors are connected to a completely different PC. 


It's super distracting and impossible to do anything on my mac while my Vive sensors are plugged in and the Vive is running on my PC due to this dialog that keeps popping up constantly. 


I've tried ignoring, pairing, cancelling to get it to go away, but it simply won't. 


Please help!!


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After some research, it looks like that's something to do with the OS. There isn't any way to disable the BT on Vive as that would cause it to stop working, but there's probably a setting you can change in the Mac OS that can resolve it.

I found this article via google, and it looks like it might provide a good set of first steps to take before contacting AppleCare. http://www.idownloadblog.com/2016/02/01/experiencing-bluetooth-problems-on-your-mac-try-this/


-John C

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