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Controller not visible or not stable at all (to infinity and beyond)


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To be sure that the cause of the malfunction is not the environment, I will setup a special room this afternoon with white sheet as "wall" to exclude every "possible" shining surface.


I have still a question : in case that none of the abouve solution work (or none of us is able to find a clue about what happen), what can i do ?

Is that possible to replace the entier unit (the whole kit) by a new one ? (Considering it is normaly a new one already.....)



So, here is my todo list of what I will text on the next days (in the right order) :

  1. Setup a new room for test (my wife is gonna hate me :p) (21/11/2017)
  2. Test another pair of controller if test N°1 is not succesful (22/11/2017)
  3. Format my Pc and re-install the whole thing (Desperate situation, desperate measure) (22/11/2017 or 23/11/017)

Any other idea i could add to my list  ? (a "2b" test or 2c,d,e,f.....would be realy appreciate XD)

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@Synthesis @VibrantNebula



So here is a little update :


I talked to the french support about the 2 problems we have discussed a little bit earlier:


For the trigger problem : The controller is going to be RMA(ed) [sh*t, it was the only one functionnal for testing :p]


For the tracking problem, and according to the bunch tests we have already did : RMA + case lvl up (i mean, my problem is now transfered one level above where it was before), whatever that mean :p. Maybe a specialized person in demonic possessed controler will take my problem in charge.


Anyway, i still have the afternoon to make anytest (i will receive the RMA ticket this night i suppose (if i understanded it well) , so i'll be able de ship ip tomorow)


EDIT: well, maybe not tomorow, they have just called me to tell me that they will send it to me ASAP, but the older ticket must be closed before a new ticket can be opened for the same controller. (My luck should be like : "Heeellooooow, is-it me youuuuu loookinnnng foooor ?" XD



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Test n°1 : cleared


Result : as expected - it didn't worked


Here was the setup of the room :




As you cas see.....all is....white XD (i covered as much surface as i could (and removed a lot of stuff.)


Moreover, when i said "it didn't worked", i mean that i didn't see any improvement (not a little one) in the controler behaviour

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So, here we are again :)


I did the test n°2 : use the two fonctionnal controler of my friend. Guess what ? It worked.

So, the problem is currently located on my controler, and nowhere else.

(i just had to do a firmware update for his controler)


I'm glad i found-out that :p



In conclusion :

Software : OK

Hardware : KO

Environment : OK



I hope the RMA process will (THIS TIME ! XD) fix this situation.

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Hi everybody,


Here is a little update about the RMA process:

  • The RMA process was activated for both controllers the 23/11/2017
  • The package was sent the same day, the 23/11/2017
  • Both controllers were received (Romania) the next day – 24/11/2017 (morning)
  • [That was really fast considering that the first RMA process took 2,5 week to be completed, with one week for the shipping only XD]
  • Both controller were sent back this Monday (27/11/2017)
  • I received the package this morning (28/11/2017) but I didn’t have the time to opened it (so, maybe there is a bad/good surprise inside the package, such as ½ controller XD)
  • I’ll be able to open it and test both of controllers this afternoon :D

I’ll keep you in touch as usual :)




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So, here we are again.....


They solve 1/2 problem :


- the controller which got trigger problem seems to have been replaced (Oo) : infact, i had  to reinstall this one AND upgrade his firmware. So this problem is solve. [EDIT : Well, it couldn't be that, there is NO mention about any replacement in the report about this controller....i hope they didn't replace the main board of THIS controller instead of the defective one......]


-The second one ? Well, not fixed at all. This is still the same controler (no re-installation, no firware upgrade), with the same defect.... [tracking problem]


I know i have to keep the head up, but this is the second RMA process, and there isn't any improvement at all. i'm fed up with this to be honest :/


Here is the 2nd RMA report of the defective controller:




(i've hidden personnal info, so this should be ok :p)


I have my Vive headset since 1 month now, and i still cannot use it :'(



EDIT: the only "functionning" position is STILL this one :



So i read that they have replaced the main board, but if this is a sensor prob (which i suspect now....) it explains why their RMA procedure didn't have fixed anything....


I have now a simple question : how the hell did they test controllers after any repairation ?! ^^'

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