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One controller stop tracking sometimes


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Hello to everyone,

 i have one issue with my new htc Vive. when i play some games one of my controller stop tracking. The green light is always one and on steamVr says that controller is on but it can't see it. I have to turn off my controller and than it returs to normaly work.

Can someone help me?

i have alredy done the reset and update. I tried to change usb port and i tried to reinstal steamvr


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I'd also take a look at base station positioning and power. Make sure they're getting the power they need (uninterruptable power supply if necessary or just change outlets) and make sure there's nothing reflective that could be causing issues.

Is it always the same controller?



-John C

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i checked that the power supply is ok. there are not reflective part in my room. The problem is always at the same controller. Today seems better the situation and i lost signal only one time, but i don't understand where and what is the problem. Base station are installed at 2 meters from the floor with 45° inclination and they look each other. The controllers are fully charged and with last firmware update. Vive visor is ok and works fine. so, did i receive one broken controller? have i to try to move my base stations with some modification about inclination and high from the floor? is possible that my pc have some problems?

any kind of suggestion can help me,

thank you so much

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Very rarely does controller tracking have anything to do with the controller itself. Usually it's something to do with the PC, tracking system or environment. You're saying that it arrived like this though? There was never a time before the tracking wasn't working properly?

If there's another PC or another room you can test in, I would suggest that, if not, we can try something different.


-John C

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