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Numerous "Page NOT Found" instead of Icons in Vive Home


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I have yet been able to determine why I have numerous "Page Not Found" messages in place of game icons in the Vive Library. Additionally, there seems to be no way to cleanly remove entries from the library of content I no longer want. For example, there are many Demos that I have tried and have either bought the full version or do not want and would like to clean up the library list. With no apparent way to clean up the library list, the interface becomes extrmely cumbersom.

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Hello Rockjaw, 

Thanks for the quick response. I have added a screen shot of the library with several "Page Not Found" messages. Also, when I hover over library content I never get an option to Uninstall. Should this not only uninstall the content but also remove the entry from the library?




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Hello again . So, it looks to me like some of those titles are on Steam. We do display Steam titles as they use the 'Open VR' standard, but you can't delete them through Viveport - you've got to do it through Steam. The title you have highlighted in the screenshot is from Steam, for example.


Also, we currently keep the title visible in your library even if uninstalled so if you've paid for it, you know you can reinstall it. You can use the filters at the top right to filter by various criteria, so that may help.


The 'Page Not Found' error is confusing me though. Can you send me a PM with your account email address? I'll have to escalate but I'd like to figure it out.

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