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more options for chaperone bounds??


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i got the Vive for christmas and its amazing. but i have a little problem, my roof. my roof is about 2 meters high, but it's triangle shaped. and it's not so satisfying. it would be AMAZING if you would make some program or setting that lets me add some sort of new 'wall' on top of the original bounds, and i could bend that wall so it matches the shape of my room, so i can see the diagonal wall going up, so i know that's my roof, so i don't have to be afraid to knock out my controllers and smack my head in the roof. plz HTC, plz halp

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That's a good idea! Unfortunately, the chaperone is part of Valve's SteamVR engine, so they'd be the ones to implement it. I'm not sure how well that would work though, because the chaperone relies on visually warning you when you get too close to the edge and if you're waving your hands over your head, you probably aren't looking up. Even if you were, the chaperone warns you to stay away from the walls/furniture, what have you, but it can't actually stop you from crossing the boundary.


-John C

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maybe you understood it, maybe not, im not blaming you :P

just in case; i mean my roof is triangle shaped, and it's not that easy to handle without a warning. my roof is kinda shaped like this: https://i.pinimg.com/736x/ac/f4/1a/acf41a94bf9f079b8261292e6d43cd64--shaped-windows-arched-windows.jpg


but the top of my roof is about 2 meters high or something, then it goes down.

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Nice room! I understood you, but what I'm saying is that the chaperone can't physically stop you from moving beyond the boundary, and unless you're looking directly at the ceiling, no visualization would help you. 

Further, the chaperone is essentially 2D, since you trace it over a (roughly) square. Doing the same thing in 3D would be difficult, because you'd have to define a volumetric space with the controllers (while being tracked more accurately by the base stations) which would be more complex and less useful ultimately.


I hope that helps!

Thank you,

-John C

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