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Black Screen


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The other day I reinstalled windows just as a matter of course (its survived maybe 6 different motherboards so was due :D)


Anyways, VR has been working fine (other than an initial bluetooth drive instalation issue). I then decided to install viveport as I do have a few purchased titles on there which I wanted to play.  Sadly as soon as it loads up everything shows online but the vive headset is just black.  It is 100% viveport as I uninstalled it all (about 5 or 6 items in add remove programs) and tested VR and it was back working again.


Is there anyway just to install the viveport launcher without all the added drivers it appears to add.  The Steam VR ones work fine or is there a tried and tested method that works without any other detrimental affects. 

I used to use viveport before I reinstalled windows (albeit I did have an annoying controller tracking issue at times)

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Interesting. What version of windows do you have? You mentioned reinstalling your OS. You didn't have Viveport before this time? Do you know what version of Viveport you had when you did have it installed? I assume you were installing the software as administrator and were whitelisting it on your anti-virus or security software?


-John C

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