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Rant at VivePort Arcade Manager


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Every city around mine has One VR Arcade Center, and they are the newest fun thing around! seeing there isn't one in my city, I thought of opening one.

All those VR Arcades in the surrounding cities are ran by SpringBoardVR Booking and Management Software, and the said software offers pay-per-minute deals on about 100 games/apps.

After legthy research, I downloaded the VivePort Arcade manager to try it before I dip into this venture, and it is flawless (it is for management but not for booking, I still need a separate booking software).


My complaint isn't about the booking, I do not mind a separate booking software; my complaint is about the Content.

SpringBoard VR offers 8 games/apps for free! And that is SUITABLE seeing that it offers - among other titles - the Arcade Center to use Google 'Earth' and 'RecRoom' FOR FREE.


Why can't VivePort Arcade offer these for free? They are also ABSOLUTELY FREE on PlayStation VR.
Google Earth VR, Google Tilt Brush, The Lab, and RecRoom SHOULD BE FREE for the Arcade, they were made to be FREE!


If I open a VR Arcade I will Anulally spend $30,000 on Rent, $16,000 on bills, $24,000 on a Helper at min.wage, and about $20,000 on equipments for 5 stations and other Equipment/Furnature, AND GET NOTHING FOR FREE?


It will cost $100,000 for the first year and me working full time and I get NOT A SINGLE GAME LICENSE to utilize for free? Even the FREE apps and games that were meant to be free by the developers? The 3 free demos included in the VivePort Arcade are not full game, diverse experiences; they are part of a single game of battling an AI Cube in one Environment/Engine.


This sucks

I would be opening a VR Arcade that eventually turns 'enthusiasts' into people who buy their own HTC VR Equipment, not repeating customers - this is all because once they save a $1,000 they would upgrade the GPU cards on their PCs and buy their own HTC Headsets.

But even for that type of 'giving public an exposure into the technology', we don't even get One Meaningful experience for FREE.

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Hi , 

Viveport's arcade platform, and the manager itself, are not currently in full release. They are in open-beta and do not represent the final offering, including pricing. We will announce updates to the platform soon and our new model will have provisions for content that developers wish to license commercially for free as well as a host of other changes and updates based on feedback collected during the open beta. Check back after the update :) 

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Thank you David. We are here in North California and I wrote my rant because we would be glad to use your Arcade Port rather than the competition.

When is this Update coming?

Also, prior to it, you could ask the few Developers I mentioned (which provide the content for free elsewhere) if your port can add them to the 'free demos' before we open our store at StocktonVR this coming month. We really don't want to end up using the other software and then have the hassle of switching over to VivePort.

These places are popping up quickly and businesses get loyal to what they start using, certainly time is of the essence as I don't know how much feedback is needed.

Again, thank you for your time, and give us a time-frame if possible.

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Hi David,


Is there a forum for Vive Arcade Manager?  Would be nice to see update information (like the 2.1 client release I'm installing today), expected release time frames, new titles, technical help from peers, etc.



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, our launch pricing options were annouced to developers yesterday. It will take a bit of time for developers to log-in and update their pricing info before operators see a change on their end... In essence, we now offer both monthly and hourly on-demand arcade licensing. Developers are now able to set a monthly "per seat" license price which will automatically correspond to an hourly license fee. By offering both monthly as well as hourly pricing options, this update enables arcades to have the flexibility of accessing the entire library while also ensuring that arcades have a fixed-cost option for high-demand titles. 


, We're still developing our communication and community platforms for arcade. There are quite a few complications unique to the arcade model from a community standpoint. For the time being, threads like this remain a great way to get our attention. I'll look into prioritizing documentation releases. 

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