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broken headset buckle, need replacement part


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I have a vive headset that is working fine except that the plastic ring within the buckle on the head set has broken and the mating part on the strap portion of the buckle can't "click" into it.  I have the little broken plastic piece, I would like to get a replacement for it.  how do I do that.


Thank you,


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 Unfortunately the official method is to send in for an RMA.  I mean, I understand that companies don't just want to ship out spare pieces, but it's a little annoying.  If you'd like, I can try to 3D print you one.  Reply here if you want to give that a shot :-)

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I'm the exact same situation, looks like the design of this buckle connector is a bit weak.


As it seems to be a simple thing to swap the connector for the buckle, just one screw holding it (https://www.ifixit.com/Teardown/HTC+Vive+Teardown/62213#s130812), it would be awesome if it was possible to stop by one of your stores and buy a replacement. Sending the whole thing to your service senter is so wasteful from all points of view (time, money, transport/environmental). Is this at all possible?




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Yeah, I know you don't have your own stores, but there is at least one place here in London where you can get a demo. Apologies for being so unspecific.

I have no doubt the RMA will fix it. In fact, I would be hugely surprised if it didn't. It is a pretty simple issue after all. I'm just so disappointed by how difficult, time and cost consuming you choose to make it.

Thanks for the reply,


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  • 6 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

My broke (broken right buckle in headset) before having fun 2 months with vive.

i sent ticket, and all needed information, you answer it is so important and priority for you to solve my problem. and now silence. you expect i will wait until end of warranty?

when you buy expensive stuff you expect to have atleast decent quality, not cheap plastic toy designed with flaws.Ticket:118427997599

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