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A more organized forum with Sub?


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Hello everyone,


Would it be possible to have this Vive Wave SDK forum with subs?


Something in the range of:


-SDK release/features/update/requests


-Troubleshootings, getting started


-Unreal Engine

-Experimental (for hardware mods, tips, AR experiements and all the fun things of that sort)



Right now it's not so practical...


Thank you, hope you consider it!

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There's not really enough activity yet to really need this imo. I read every single thread in here in 20 minutes. I would rather see their time devoted to working on SDK development and whatnot. But that's just my opinion. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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It's usually a Social dedicated person to forums, not a SDK person.


Better starting with a little bit of organizations than a mess to clean up after once everybody complains and cannot find anything...


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IMHO it would be better to use slack or discord and move away from this  board. I think part of the problem is that its just ANOTHER thing to sign into. I would prefer to just be able to access a slack channel dedicated to forum users. I find that much better for collaboration.

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I believe the lack of activity has more to do with the medium of communication than the intent of the users who belong to the forum. Take Amazon Sumerian for instance, they opened up a slack dedicated to folks developing for that platform and its fantastic.

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IMHO it would be better to use slack or discord and move away from this  board. 


Strongly disagree. Chat platforms are great for... well... chatting; but for anything less ephemeral they are pretty dysfunctional. Discussions are interleaved and questions are separated from their replies. The same questions get asked again and again because there's no sensible way to find old discussions.


I'm absolutely baffled by the rise of Slack and Discord as a developer support resource. If anything you want something more structured - like a Stack Overflow style system - than something with less structure and organisation.

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This is also a great point. It's nice to have a base of knowledge that is easily searchable. I perhaps was too quick with my previous replies. An organized and stuctured forum would probably be my preference. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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