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New to VR, question about earbuds


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I tried the HTC Vive at a friends and pretty much decided I needed to have one. I have a question about what people think about the earbuds that come with the unit. Are there better options that you would suggest, or will these work well enough or should I look at something different right away?


Also, I notice on the HTC Accessories website there is a link box for sale. Will I need this too?


Sorry for the questions that may seem elementary (and I apologize if I'm the 50th person to ask these questions). 



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The link box (a breakout box), is included with the Vive. 


As for the earbuds.. I went with a pair of Monoprice's headphones, as I prefer headphones and it makes it easier/cleaner to demo. But every once in awhile, I will switch back to the earbuds. The earbuds work great and I don't think I've ever read a reviewer complain about them.

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Hey ,  answered some of this for me. The link box is included in the, erm, box along with the earbuds.


Myself I'm using some 'over the ears' headphones for my Vive, but then that's also what I use for gaming. You don't generally need to worry about a gaming specific headset that might include a mic, although you could go for that (the Vive has a built-in mic for apps that support it).


I'd say just in terms of moving stuff around earbuds might be preferable, as in theory you can leave them plugged in, but you can set up your PC (via SteamVR) to switch audio channels when you plug/unplug headphones into the 3.5mm jack.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I haven't tried wireless earbuds,  - I guess that'd add to the amount of Bluetooth signal flying around, but I doubt it'd be too much of a problem? Someone test it and let us know. ;)


(Or we can all get Apple W1 compatible stuff I guess....)

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  • 2 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I also have it mirrored to my speakers. For many games i use it like that. For multiplayer i switch to headphones not to cause any feedback for other players.

I'm looking forward to the deluxe strap. Having the earphones integrated will make it alot easier. ATM when some body wants to take of the HMD they tend to forget about the earphones. Any news on when it will be released?


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