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unable to run sample projects - [Error 0x9C42]


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I want to try out the sample projects in the SRWorks SDK to learn about the technology.

I have the latest Nvidia drivers, the SteamVR beta version and the latest firmware for the HMD. The camera is enabled and the check of the camera runs successfully in SteamVR. However, when I try to run any of the sample projects in the SDK the app crashes to desktop and I get this error in the SR Works log:
[DEVICE-VIVE_HMD_DUALCAM_0] [Date] [-!-ERROR-!-] [code: 0x9C42] M_MSCD_qualityhdl_40002 @SeeThroughModule::start:148


Any thoughts on what could be the cause of this error message or why I can't run anything using the cameras?

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So after a lot of headbashing and troubleshooting I finally tried the most simple solution I could think of. Changing the HMDs USB port. And all of a sudden the camera starts working as intended in the sample projects...

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