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VIEV Focus controller on 3Dof device?

Shang Huang

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I've successfully get Viveport M running on Nexus 6, and I can use controller emulator to simulate a controller, however, I just can't get VIVE controller working on it.


The controller service working on VIVE Focus is "com.htc.vr.bledevice.ControllerDeviceService", I've tried to

extract "plugins.bledevice.apk"  from Focus but can't get it installed on my Nexus 6.


Anyone have successed to use Focus controller on 3Dof devices?


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There is little difference controller service between 3Dofs (Phones) and Focus (6Dofs).

Please use the version from below and follow up instruction to setup.


 Download WaveSDK TurnKey V2.0.32 (Note: Make sure you register as developer for log in)


[installation Steps]


  1. Install Wave VR runtime to your phone:

   $ adb install autoInstall-release.apk

  1. Launch app “Wave VR”.
  2. Press “INSTALL” and follow instructions to install the following app:

   - wavevr_server.apk

   - plugins.TurkeyFinch3DofDevice-release.apk

   - controllerscanner-release.apk

   - turkey.oem.service-release.apk

   - plugins.turkeyHmdDevice-release.apk

   - ime.manager-release.apk

   - wavevr_settings-release.apk

   - VRIME.apk

   - MatrixDD.apk    //Launcher

  1. Follow instructions to pair VIVE Focus Controller.
  2. Go to Settings > Apps & notifications > Advanced > Special app access > VR helper services > toggle “WaveVR Server”.


Recommanded phone: Pixel2 (Qualcomm® Snapdragon 835) / Pixel (Qualcomm® Snapdragon 821)

Viewer: Google Daydream View

Controller: VIVE Focus Controller

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Thanks, have got it work, it's really cool.

2 questions:

1. What's the difference between "com.htc.vr.tools.phone.DefaultService" & "com.htc.vr.turnkey.device.DefaultService" ? does it provides Services for 6Dof function?

2. when I press Home button it goes back to MartixDD instead of Viveport M even I got it installed, any suggest if I want to make a Launcher App like Pico Neo did? 

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To reply you:

1. It's not related to 6Dofs. We suggest you to select the 2nd one (for turnkey), and the first one is the previous version so we might think to remove it to avoid confusing.

2. Your request isn't ready, will keep you posted once the path is done.

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