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Vive Tracker pogo pins no longer working after steamvr update on 7/26

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after the auto update on Steam VR on 7/26 pogo pins stop being read in unity, and all programs that made use of the hyperblaster, and similar controllers. I tried configuring button press events to send the same buttons that used to be sent, but they had no effect. 


Does anyone have any information on how to make vive tracker pogo pins behave out they used to? I'm doing setup for a show i'll be at for the next 3 days, and it just broke everything i'm showing.

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  • 3 months later...




Have you got some news about the integration of detection of POGO pins on the last official version of SteamVR?


Curently I'm in the imposibility to use POGO pins of tracker AND Vive Wireless in same time (because last version of Vive Wireless is not compatible with the branch of program Steam VR.


Thank you!



Ps: If you want to know more about my problem I can communicate with you on private message.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Same here, in steamvr 1.1.4. I am unable to retreive a tracker input state in Unity.

I am using directly openvr api without using the unity steamvr sdk (well, just SteamRender but no SteamVR_trackedDevice or SteamVR_ControllerManager etc.).

What I don't understand is that OpenVR.IsInputAvailable return false in certain combinaison of devices connected (controller and/or tracker).

Why the hell can't it just return the state regardless of what else is connected ?!


Anyway, even when OpenVR.IsInputAvailable return true and CVRSystem.GetControllerState(trackerIndex) return true, my tracker stay 'buttonless'.


But only the input doesn't work, the tracker is correctly tracked in space...


It is driving me mad.



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