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cant install viveport.exe error code (-103)


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my anti virus detected vivedashboard.exe as a Trojan.win32.generic.

item was quarantined and deleted .

located @ C:\Program Files (x86)\ViveSetup\Updater\App\Dashboard\win32

upon attempting to reinstall viveport.exe i was forced to download vivesetup.exe which further installed and verified instalation of drivers, hardware and viveport.exe during the hardware setup viveport.exe installs in the background. as im already setup i just next everything in quick succsession. before i can even complete the hardware section i get to verifing my HMD and usb 3.0s. i get an error message saying viveport installation failed message (-103). i restarted my pc and same thing happened a second time and a third. 



NOTE ive not uninstalled the old installation (nor am i sure exactly what should be uninstalled without uninstalling everything including drivers) as i assumed it would overwrite it during install of the currrent date version.

Currently installed is...

VIVE Software               8/1/2018

ViveDriver                        8/1/2018

VIVEPORT Diagnosis  8/1/2018


OS Windows 10 Home latest updates installed and no new updates pending


Thanks in advance

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Which antivirus are you using? Depending on the vendor, we may need to contact them. 


So at this point, you've actually completed the "installation" phase of the installer and all of the installer's packages will have been deployed - everything else after this step is just an animation based tutorial that shows how to set up the hardware. Normally you'd be able to just launch Viveport and be in the clear. If you're able to launch Viveport, the installation is complete. If not, your AV may have quarantined or deleted the executable for Viveport. 

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Which antivirus are you using? Depending on the vendor, we may need to contact them. 


So at this point, you've actually completed the "installation" phase of the installer and all of the installer's packages will have been deployed - everything else after this step is just an animation based tutorial that shows how to set up the hardware. Normally you'd be able to just launch Viveport and be in the clear. If you're able to launch Viveport, the installation is complete. If not, your AV may have quaranteeded or deleted the executable for Viveport. 

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I did forget to mention, ive had many issues installing viveport. The last time it wasnt able to retrive the .exe from your server. That seems to have been fixed now. I was lucky enough to have a windows restore that still had the original install on it. Looking into my directory i was able to find a copy of the viveport.exe install file which i carried over to my current system and install it. Seems i was lucky to get an instal from when i originally bought the system because its been problematic since. So i know for sure its an OEM file not second hand somewhere. Looks like its in quarantine. But that also doesnt solve the fact i cant get a proper fresh install. With or without my copy it appears the program attempted to update itself and was caught as at the very least ,possibly going rogue to which then my AV stepped in and stopped it from self executing. Finally note, this same AV allowed the install in the first place and has been scanned numerous times since with no indications.

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You may need to uninstall all the Vive components before you can reinstall it. Try whitelisting the executables or temporarily disabling Kaspersky. Additionally, make sure you are using the latest version of Viveport installer from www.vive.com and that your anti-virus definitions are up to date.

Thank you!

-John C

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Thanks for the suggestion. Im currently in PM with VibrantNebula as the suggested has been done. Its even been installed with my AV uninstalled (30 day trial) further more everything is up to date. I even uninstalled steam prior to installation it simply does not want to take. Next course of action is submiting error logs for diagnostics.

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