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Multiple VIVE wireless adapters in the same playspace


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Will the VIVE Wireless adapter allow for two user to be in the same room? The two users would be on to separate VIVE Headsets each with its own wireless adapter using two separate computers but using the same shared lighthouse space.

I currently have one of the two VIVES on  the original TPCAST and it works fine but does not allow for another TPCAST in the same playspace.  I was hoping to get the 2nd VIVE on the VIVE wireless adapter or preferably both on the new VIVE wireless adapter.

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How many Vive Wireless Adapter systems can be in the same (large) room at the same time? Say, I have one play area with 4 lighthouses in one corner of the room, and run 3 Vives with wireless adapter there. 


Can I set up the same in another (non-overlapping) corner of the room? So another playspace (4 lighthouses) and another 3 wireless Vives there?


Do I need any barrier between the areas? Do I need a visual barrier (like a curtain) ? Do I need a certain minimum distance between the areas? Or do I need the second setup to be in another room?

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I don't know if you saw my PM message but I have quite similar question :)


What is the minimum distance between each Vive Wireless Adapter systems in the same area at the same time? We want to be able to play with 8 headsets at the same time in an area of approx 70 m2. Do we need any "barrier" ? Dividing wall/ glass can be sufficient to avoid any interferences? 


Thanks a lot for your answer,


Best regards

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, I'll send you more info via email. There is no simple answer here - 60Ghz waves propagate and bounce in ways that are really counterintuitive - the answer entirely depends on the geometry involved and the environmental conditions. 60Ghz is easily blocked - it's not a penetrating frequency. I'm not sure if glass blocks the signal - most materials do. 

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