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I can't redeem the Fallout 4 VR copy that was bundled with my Vive


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I recieved my Vive a few days ago, and when I ordered it said It Included a copy of Fallout 4 VR and a 2 month viveport subscription. I redeemed the code on the card that came in the box, but I only recieved the 2 month subscription. I can't find another code inside the box or anything, Is this an error or is that offer just not available anymore?

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Fallout 4 VR was a limited time offer that ended earlier in the year. A two-month Viveport Subscription is the current offer.


Did you purchase the Vive recently? Was it from a retail store? If they are advertising Fallout 4 VR then that's incorrect; we'd appreciate knowing the store's location if that's the case.

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I bought It directly from microsoft on their website, here:



it says under "More"

"• Virtual reality beyond imagination

• Room-scale VR with precise motion tracking

• Adjustable headset for comfortable, clear gameplay

• Windows 10. Do great things.

• Free games: Fallout 4 VR and 2-month Viveport Subscription"


So theres no way I can still get the free game?

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