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Large Areas, Lots of Lighthouses


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Hi everyone,


We're using up to 16 SteamVR 2.0 basestations to try and increase our play area but after 4 or 5 they seam to get quite unstable. Basestations would appear in the virtual world where there shouldn't be any, or they won't show up where they are in real life. The headset would loose tracking regularly - with the screen going grey or black. The chaperone that we've set up would also be quite unstable and teleport around depending on which basestations are tracking.

Has anyone been able to get this many basestations working in one space? Any help would be much appreciated!

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, I will respond to your support ticket in greater detail. I just wanted to use this opportunity to publicly state that as of this post, only 4 basestations can be utilized concurrenlty within a single SteamVR session. In other words, you cannot use more than 4 basestations with a single Vive HMD. 

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Oh, I didn't see that that was the case. I thought it was still a beta ability. GREAT!


So, if I have a room where I can install four base stations for three headsets, all of them should be able to track pretty flawlessly, in theory, if they see at least two, three, or all four base stations?


Do the base stations all need to see each other, or can some be obstructed from the views of others?


Do they all automatically sync up with each other?


Do they negotiate channels with each other, or do I need to assign a channel to each somehow?

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  • the only limit to the number of devices that can track in a single volume is practicality, safety, and occlusion. 3 should be no problem baring that you have a good (i.e. reflection free) environment
  • The basestations do not sync with each other and do not need to "see" each other. you can have them in asymmetric and non-rectangular arrangements. 
  • The update listed above centers around a BS 2.0 channel management tool. Just ensure each station is on a unique channel. 

The new basestations have a 150 degree horizontal FOV - the way to maximize tracked volume is by leveraging this horizontal FOV (i.e. don't stick them in 90 degree corners). 

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There still seems to be an issue with base stations needing to be no more than about 15’ away from each other though? I know when I set two 2.0 BS up recently and they were about 18 feet apart, I received the alert message in the SteamVR app that they were too far apart. So, do they “see” each other to determine that?

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