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VR 2.0 accessories needed for us upgraders


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People are asking for VR2.0 accessories (base stations and controlelrs) and HTC folks have replied that they're waiting for Valve to release the new 2.0 software bits. Also that few home users need 2.0 features. Fair enough, but what this is missing is that many of us upgraded from the earlier headset and accessories, and may be using both. My son is using the old headset, I'm using the new, and we're sharing base stations and controllers, which is a pain as we have to keep repairing the controllers. We'd like to play together in VR, but I'm certainly not going to get the old accessories with the new ones coming (and can't play with them in the same room anyhow). 


Please, sell the accessories now without the new API's - everybody understands that the new features aren't available yet, but it's silly to only be bundling them with the headset. 

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