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Cant Launch 4.18 project on Vive Focus


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I cant launch 4.18 project i have my WVR plugin placed in engine  instalation folder, but i think plugin it self is mesed up somehow.


Can someone post a link from where i can download 4.18 WVR plugin ? 


It gives me this  errors :


fatal error: file 'D:\UE4_Inst\Epic Games\EngineVersions\UE_4.18\Engine\Source\ThirdParty\WVR\include\wvr\wvr_system.h' has been modified since the precompiled header 'D:/***/Plugins/WaveVR/Intermediate/Build/Android/UE4/Development/WaveVR/PCH.WaveVR-armv7-es2.h.gch' was built


ERROR: UBT ERROR: Failed to produce item: D:\***\Binaries\Android\WertigoVRFocus-armv7-es2.so


Command failed (Result:5): D:\UE4_Inst\Epic Games\EngineVersions\UE_4.18\Engine\Binaries\DotNET\UnrealBuildTool.exe WertigoVRFocus Android Development -Project=D:\***\WertigoVRFocus.uproject D:\***\WertigoVRFocus.uproject -NoUBTMakefiles -remoteini="D:\***" -skipdeploy -ini:Game:[/script/UnrealEd.ProjectPackagingSettings
]:BlueprintNativizationMethod=Disabled -noxge -NoHotReload -ignorejunk. See logfile for details: 'UnrealBuildTool-2018.10.10-16.25.13.txt'



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Hello , 


Thanks for the provided Links !

I've downloaded WaveSDK-UnrealPlugin-1.0 and WaveSDK-UnrealPlugin-binary-1.0

I've copied binaries from plugin binary1.0 to SDK, and WaveVR Binaries to Project> plugins WaveVR.Also WVR to engine version instalation folder. And tried to start plugin project but when it ask me to rebuild missing modules and i click yes it says to me that i need to rebuild from source manually




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Hello ,


It seems you're on the right direction. Do you finally build successfully on your project?

Here is another topic with several build error trobule shooting discussion.

You may also refer for it if you encounter error message.



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Yeah i've already tried that. But when i delete WaveVR plugin binaries folder i can't start the project. It says "Binaries for the WaveVR plugin are missing or incompatible with the current engine version"


Also i tried to open the default WaveVR Plugin project as i mentioned with the 4.18 plugin, but it says to me i need to rebuild from source .



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From the log message, it looks the compiler recognize plugin and enginer is incompatible, and also can't find the related binary files under specific folders.

In our experiences, please make sure below items.


1) Please don't mix different version between Unreal Engine and Plugin. For example, you can't download plugin for 4.20 but use 4.18 engine.

2) If you don't build from the source, please unzip binaries (another zip files) and copy to the related folders and it should work.




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Hi Tony,


we have already published our first VR project on Viveport "Interior VR" using the 4.18.

And we keep getting strange errors with 4.20 in all fields, including the mobile vr.

That's why I keep asking if and how we could keep working on 4.18, at least until the 4.21 gets a few more fixes and we can try it there (and when you support it ofc).


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