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Parts for base station.


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I use a base station 1.0 for my Pro. One is all you need for cockpit use. It took a bump. Now it gives an error, vibrates, and works fine. But the scanner motor is clearly going bad. Can I get a new scanner motor? I have rebuilt many laser assemblies for laser printers. It is easy to do if you know a couple if issues to watch for.

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We do not sell the parts, but if you decided you wanted to do it yourself and felt confident in doing so, I'd recommend picking up another used base station from someone who has a different rotor failure. (So if you had Fault 02, get one that has Fault 03)
We don't recommend this, of course, but it's an option.

That said, we can process an RMA under warranty if you'd like.

Thank you,

-John C

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