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Base station fault 03


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After haveing my vive for about a year and a half and having the base stations on wall mounts, one of them decided to stop working and present a "fault 03." I contacted support and they said I will need to spend $90 to fix it because it is outside warrenty. Is there another way to fix this?


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Unfortunately, there is not.

We do not recommend this because it does not actually fix the problem, which is that the rotor is slowing down and the tracking timing is becoming increasingly off. Rolling back the firmware is risky and all it does is change the fault tolerance levels. At best, you're buying yourself some time before it fails completely. It's better to send it in for repair as soon as possible. At worst, you'll permanently brick your base station.

If you are out of warranty however, you'd probably be better off just buying a new one.

Thank you,

-John C

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