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controller losing tracking with one base station


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I've had my vive for over a year now and it's worked great in various situations. However, today I noticed something different.


One of my controllers can only "see" one of my base stations, depite both being on. If I turn so my ody is placed between that controller and the working station, it frequently loses tracking, seeming to float away, freeze, or just disappear. The headset tracks fine, as does the other controller, and it only does this with the one base station. I updated all the firmware and made sure there was nothing reflecting/interfering with tracking in the room, but it just doesn't work. It's worked perfectly up to this point, I have no clue what might have changed.

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, this is pretty weird and is typically indicative of there being some sort of bounceback (reflection) in the direct your facing. Have you tried unplugging the "working" base station and seeing you can track with only the "non working" base station? I'd recommend that as a first troubleshooting step. 

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I did as you suggested, unplugging the "working" station and switching the "non-working" station to channel a so it could track on its own. Strangely, that seemed to mostly fix the problem. The headset tracks perfectly (as usual) and both controllers track fairly well, though there is a bit of noticable floating when they're both directly in front of me while I'm facing the station.

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I went ahead and reconnected the other base station and set them both to channels b and c respectively (the reverse of what they were previously, believe it or not), and tilted them both down more, closer to 45°. When I went back in, the problem was fixed, and tracking worked perfectly. I have no clue what went wrong, but it seems to be fixed now.

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, Glad it works better now. That does sound like some sort of reflection. We can't see what the world looks like in IR without the assistance of specialized cameras; materials that are non-reflective/absorptive to optical bands of light may have completely different reflectivity behavior with IR light so it's actually kind of difficult to isolate more subtle reflectivity issues. 

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