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Can't access BIOS with Hive Pro plugged in!


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What's your motherboard model?


This is likely a pretty motherboard specific type of error that could either be nested the motherboard hardware firware, or BIOS versioning/settings. This sometimes happens due to motherboard security features - some MBs prevent booting into BIOS (based on BIOS settings) when there are certain USB devices connected to prevent a malicious attacker from using something like a USB thumb drive to take control of hardware via changing the boot device or some related USB attack strategy. 


It may not actually be practical to fully debug it as it's very hardware specific but the info above may give you a few starting points if you'd like to dig into it. You may want to do a few "control-F's" trough your MoBo user manual with keywords to see if that surfaces anything.


Unplugging it when access is required is the easiest solution if you don't want to invest time into debugging it. 

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