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Update on Vive Wireless Adpater


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Forgive me for being rude that that is absolutly unacceptable.

I built my computer SPECIFICALLY for wireless VR.  I don't know what went wrong but we deserve some information. 

1. Is the company actively persuing a solution, or have you given up?

2. Will you at least publish a list of the affected motherboards?  This would at least allow people to build machines that avoid this conflict.


Please, any information you can give. 

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I would like to let you know that after having ALL of the problems listed about this (Lockups, BSODs, poor performance) I found something that fixed all my issues.


I went to www.displaylink.com and downloaded the Nov 18th reference drivers from them and installed them.


My system has been stable without any extra "BIOS" modifications since.  Before it was crashing everytime I was trying to load anything.


Just wanted to give a heads up on this one.  Hopefully it helps someone.


System SPEC

Ryzen Threadripper 1950X

ASUS STRIX X399-E Gaming (808 bios)

GTX 1080 Ti (latest 417 drivers)

64Gb RAM (4X16Gb)

Windows 10


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is this still an issue?  I have a ryzen/amd system and received the wireless adapter today and could not get it to work, even with the help of tech support.  Naturally the included battery died in the middle of troubleshooting.. but we were on long enough for the tech to try several different fix actions that at the moment.. have only made things worse!  started with my system recognizing everything.. but then SteamVR would not see the headset.  after several troubleshooting steps by the tech.. now the vive wireless software does not see the headset nor does steamVR.  at was at this point the battery ran out of juice.  should the battery charge..(right now it doesn't look like it will, has been sitting here charging for a few hours now and still just a single blinking green light) I will continue troubleshooting tomorrow with a vive support.  I just have this aweful feeling I have been sold a lemon.. I think I will wake up tomorrow to a dead battery which would make it deffective and non working wireless adapter.... now I see this post.. from last month that says there is a known ryzen issue.. so sad I didn't see this before I purchased this adapter....smh

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I noticed that my battery charged really slowly as well.  Turns out, the USB ports of the front of my case are old and were feeding it very little power.  I plugged it into a seperate USB charger (3.1 amps) and it charges much faster.


I wish you luck.  I also wish HTC would respond to its customer base.  The silence is deafening. 

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I understand your frustration about silence, aside from the offical statement posted here, we're unable to speak into the investigation from a legal prospective as it involves numerous companies such as OEMs. We certainly have a vested interest in getting to the bottom of this and doing our best to ensure a positive customer outcome - it's just pretty complex behind the scenes. 


I personally apologize for not replying to this thread sooner. 

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