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Vive_SRWorks_Demo doesn't run on PC with Titan V


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I've tested Vive_SRWorks_Demo Unity Build( on three PCs.

1)PC1- Titan V

2)PC2- GTX-1080

3)PC3- GTX-1060


2),3) starts the demo, then GTX-1060 fails to proceed because of performance issues. The problem, of course lies with 1) equipped with the Titan V GPU.


I've already checked all the followins available in the forum

-Checked Camera Settings and Enabled on SteamVR

-SteamVR is latest version (1.2.1 Beta or 1.1.4 both)

-Graphics drivers are latest version

-all the LHR json config files for PC with issue were renewed with re-generated json files from console.

-All steamVR paths are default installation paths.


The problem with the Titan V equipped PC is that it fails after starting the [ENGINE_SEETHROUGH_0]

All the log between all PCs show same lines before that.


~~~all initializations are good then...
[ENGINE_SEETHROUGH_0_DLL] [2018-12-17 19:41:31] [LOG] Create Mapping table end
[ENGINE_SEETHROUGH_0_DLL] [2018-12-17 19:41:31] [LOG] initialization mode end2-2
[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:41:31] [LOG] SM0ViveSR_StartModule() initial end
[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:41:31] [LOG] SM0ViveSR_StartModule() initial pass
[ENGINE_SEETHROUGH_0_DLL] [2018-12-17 19:41:31] [LOG] TurnOn

~~~then bam from this log(PC1 does not update the log after this while others access other functions of [ENGINE_SEETHROUGH_0_DLL] ~~


Therefore, 'reconstruction' log file is not generated for PC1, while PC2,3 proceed with StartModule() in Vive SRWorks creating 'reconstrution' log files



1) Here is the full log for the PC1-Titan


[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:41:30] [LOG] ViveSR_Initial() success
[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:41:30] [LOG] SRWorks Version
[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:41:30] [LOG] OS : Windows 8+
[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:41:30] [LOG] CPU GetMemory Total : 32440.000000
[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:41:30] [LOG] CPU GetMemory InUse : 3690.000000
[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:41:30] [LOG] GPU : TITAN V
[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:41:30] [LOG] GPU driver : 41735
[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:41:30] [LOG] GPU memory usage : 3202.460938
[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:41:30] [LOG] GPU memory loading: 16
[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:41:30] [LOG] ViveSR_CreateModule() start
[JSON] [2018-12-17 19:41:30] [LOG] found steam install path
[JSON] [2018-12-17 19:41:30] [LOG] using device : LHR-0EA1BEB8
[JSON] [2018-12-17 19:41:30] [LOG] using system : lighthouse
[JSON] [2018-12-17 19:41:31] [LOG] found device config file : C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/config\lighthouse\LHR-0EA1BEB8\config.json
[JSON] [2018-12-17 19:41:31] [LOG] Cali_V2D_00000
[JSON] [2018-12-17 19:41:31] [LOG] MIE_GCP_00000
[JSON] [2018-12-17 19:41:31] [LOG] found steam install path
[JSON] [2018-12-17 19:41:31] [LOG] using device : LHR-0EA1BEB8
[JSON] [2018-12-17 19:41:31] [LOG] using system : lighthouse
[JSON] [2018-12-17 19:41:31] [LOG] found device config file : C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/config\lighthouse\LHR-0EA1BEB8\config.json
[JSON] [2018-12-17 19:41:31] [LOG] Cali_V2D_00000
[JSON] [2018-12-17 19:41:31] [LOG] MIE_GCP_00000
[ENGINE_SEETHROUGH_0] [2018-12-17 19:41:31] [LOG] ExternalCommandModule_link_to_SeeThrough_mode(first)
[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:41:31] [LOG] SeeThroughModuleSetDevice:: D3DDevice
[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:41:31] [LOG] CM_MT1_MID0_00000
[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:41:31] [LOG] ViveSR_CreateModule() end
[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:41:31] [LOG] ViveSR_CreateModule() start
[ENGINE_DEPTH_2] [2018-12-17 19:41:31] [LOG] ExternalCommandModule_link_to_Depth_mode(first)
[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:41:31] [LOG] CM_MT4_MID2_00000
[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:41:31] [LOG] ViveSR_CreateModule() end
[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:41:31] [LOG] ViveSR_CreateModule() start
[ENGINE_AI_SCENE_4] [2018-12-17 19:41:31] [LOG] ExternalCommandModule_link_to_AI_Vision_mode(first)
[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:41:31] [LOG] CM_MT7_MID4_00000
[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:41:31] [LOG] ViveSR_CreateModule() end
[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:41:31] [LOG] ViveSR_CreateModule() start
[ENGINE_RIGID_RECONSTRUCTION_6] [2018-12-17 19:41:31] [LOG] ExternalCommandModule_link_to_RigidReconstruction_mode(first)
[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:41:31] [LOG] ReconsModuleSetDevice:: D3DDevice
[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:41:31] [LOG] CM_MT5_MID6_00000
[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:41:31] [LOG] ViveSR_CreateModule() end
[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:41:31] [LOG] SM0ViveSR_StartModule() start
[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:41:31] [LOG] SM0ViveSR_StartModule() check pass
[ENGINE_SEETHROUGH_0_DLL] [2018-12-17 19:41:31] [LOG] initialization mode 2-2
[ENGINE_SEETHROUGH_0_DLL] [2018-12-17 19:41:31] [LOG] Create Mapping table start
[ENGINE_SEETHROUGH_0_DLL] [2018-12-17 19:41:31] [LOG] Create Mapping table end
[ENGINE_SEETHROUGH_0_DLL] [2018-12-17 19:41:31] [LOG] Create Mapping table start
[ENGINE_SEETHROUGH_0_DLL] [2018-12-17 19:41:31] [LOG] Create Mapping table end
[ENGINE_SEETHROUGH_0_DLL] [2018-12-17 19:41:31] [LOG] initialization mode end2-2
[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:41:31] [LOG] SM0ViveSR_StartModule() initial end
[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:41:31] [LOG] SM0ViveSR_StartModule() initial pass
[ENGINE_SEETHROUGH_0_DLL] [2018-12-17 19:41:31] [LOG] TurnOn






2) And now here is the full log from PC2-GTX1080

[ENGINE_AI_SCENE_4] [2018-12-17 19:23:16] [LOG] status : 257
[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:16] [LOG] SM4ViveSR_StartModule() initial end
[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:16] [LOG] SM4ViveSR_StartModule() initial pass
[ENGINE_AI_SCENE_4] [2018-12-17 19:23:16] [LOG] Memery alocated
[ENGINE_AI_SCENE_4] [2018-12-17 19:23:16] [LOG] status : 273
[ENGINE_AI_SCENE_4] [2018-12-17 19:23:16] [LOG] status : 273
[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:16] [LOG] SM4ViveSR_StartModule() start pass
[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:16] [LOG] SM4_00000
[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:16] [LOG] SM4ViveSR_StartModule() end
[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:16] [LOG] SM6ViveSR_StartModule() start
[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:16] [LOG] SM6ViveSR_StartModule() check pass
[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:16] [LOG] SM6ViveSR_StartModule() initial end
[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:16] [LOG] SM6ViveSR_StartModule() initial pass
[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:16] [LOG] SM6ViveSR_StartModule() start pass
[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:16] [LOG] SM6_00000
[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:16] [LOG] SM6ViveSR_StartModule() end
[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:16] [LOG] ViveSR_ModuleLink() start
[ENGINE_RIGID_RECONSTRUCTION_6] [2018-12-17 19:23:16] [LOG] Depth_link_to_RigidReconstruction_mode(first)
[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:16] [LOG] LM2-6_MODE1_00000
[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:16] [LOG] ViveSR_ModuleLink() end
[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:16] [LOG] ViveSR_ModuleLink() start
[ENGINE_AI_SCENE_4] [2018-12-17 19:23:16] [LOG] RigidReconstruction_link_to_AI_Vision_mode(first)
[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:16] [LOG] LM6-4_MODE1_00000
[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:16] [LOG] ViveSR_ModuleLink() end
[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:22] [LOG] CLM_M0_M2_mode-1
[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:22] [LOG] CLM_M0_M2_mode-1
[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:22] [LOG] ViveSR_Stop() start
[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:22] [LOG] ViveSR_Stop() phase1
[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:22] [LOG] ViveSR_Stop() phase2
[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:22] [LOG] ViveSR_Stop() phase2-0_start
[ENGINE_SEETHROUGH_0_DLL] [2018-12-17 19:23:22] [LOG] TurnOff


->TitanV PC fails after this point, but other PCs persist after this...
[ENGINE_SEETHROUGH_0_DLL] [2018-12-17 19:23:22] [LOG] ~DefishApp
[ENGINE_SEETHROUGH_0_DLL] [2018-12-17 19:23:22] [LOG] ~DefishApp end
[ENGINE_SEETHROUGH_0_DLL] [2018-12-17 19:23:22] [LOG] ~DefishApp
[ENGINE_SEETHROUGH_0_DLL] [2018-12-17 19:23:22] [LOG] ~DefishApp end
[ENGINE_SEETHROUGH_0_DLL] [2018-12-17 19:23:22] [LOG] TurnOff end
[ENGINE_SEETHROUGH_0_DLL] [2018-12-17 19:23:22] [LOG] ~Undistortion table
[ENGINE_SEETHROUGH_0_DLL] [2018-12-17 19:23:22] [LOG] ~Undistortion table
[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:22] [LOG] ViveSR_Stop() phase2-0_end
[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:22] [LOG] ViveSR_Stop() phase2-1_start
[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:22] [LOG] ViveSR_Stop() phase2-1_end
[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:22] [LOG] ViveSR_Stop() phase2-2_start
[ENGINE_DEPTH_2] [2018-12-17 19:23:22] [LOG] release_S
[ENGINE_DEPTH_2_DLL] [2018-12-17 19:23:22] [LOG] TurnOff
[ENGINE_DEPTH_2_DLL] [2018-12-17 19:23:22] [LOG] TurnOff end
[ENGINE_DEPTH_2_DLL] [2018-12-17 19:23:22] [LOG] Vive Depth Spatial Destruction

[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:22] [LOG] ViveSR_Stop() phase2-2_end
[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:22] [LOG] ViveSR_Stop() phase2-3_start
[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:22] [LOG] ViveSR_Stop() phase2-3_end
[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:22] [LOG] ViveSR_Stop() phase2-4_start
[ENGINE_AI_SCENE_4] [2018-12-17 19:23:22] [LOG] release_S
[ENGINE_AI_SCENE_4] [2018-12-17 19:23:22] [LOG] status : 1118481
[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:22] [LOG] ViveSR_Stop() phase2-4_end
[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:22] [LOG] ViveSR_Stop() phase2-5_start
[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:22] [LOG] ViveSR_Stop() phase2-5_end
[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:22] [LOG] ViveSR_Stop() phase2-6_start
[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:23] [LOG] ViveSR_Stop() phase2-6_end
[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:23] [LOG] ViveSR_Stop() phase2-7_start
[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:23] [LOG] ViveSR_Stop() phase2-7_end
[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:23] [LOG] ViveSR_Stop() phase3
[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:23] [LOG] STP_WORKs_ prepare release memory
[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:23] [LOG] ViveSR_Stop() end
[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:23] [LOG] SetParamBool_10019UNKONW_MODULE
[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:23] [LOG] SetCmdBool_10024UNKONW_MODULE
[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:23] [LOG] CLM_10029UNKONW_MODULE
[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:24] [LOG] UnitySetGraphicsDevice:: D3D11



I would like to know how to run the demo with PC1 settings. Have anybody solved this issue?


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Have you tried C-sample code? Did it work correctly?

And would you mind to upload the SRWorks.log files(not parts of logs message)? this would help us to know what happened


BTW, may you inform me about your test environment :

1. Unity version and steamvr plugin version

2. Nvidia driver version

3. Is it the "Demo" scene in Experience-Unity- you are trying?  or "Vive_SRWorks_Demo.exe" in "Build-Unity-\Experience" folder


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Thank you for your attention in the issue!


I've only tested the

a) Unity .exe build for SRworks & SRWorks Experience demo

b) Unity Plugins for SRworks & SRWorks Experience with SteamVR 1.2.3

for now. Both have issues in Titan V installed PC, though I couldn't know why this issues are not present with GTX1080 & GTX1060. I'm currently trying to run the C sample at the moment and will post the results soon.


Here's the additional configuration environment of the system

1. Unity(2018.2.20f), SteamVR (1.2.1 beta)

2. Nvidia driver (417.35)->or Dec.12th version(which is the latest) for Titan V

3. This post was for the "Vive_SRWorks_Demo.exe" & "Vive_SRWorks.exe" in the Build-Unity- folder

-However, the Unity Plugins for SRWorks & Experience & combined with SteamVR 1.2.3 plugin also results in UNITY editor freezing without error messages.


-Here are the full log(haven't found how to upload text files so I pasted the full log here for Titan V & GTX1080)

4-1. The full log for "SRWorks.log" for Titan V(.exe file for Experience demo)

[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:41:30] [LOG] ViveSR_Initial() success[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:41:30] [LOG] SRWorks Version[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:41:30] [LOG] OS : Windows 8+[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:41:30] [LOG] CPU GetMemory Total : 32440.000000[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:41:30] [LOG] CPU GetMemory InUse : 3690.000000[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:41:30] [LOG] GPU : TITAN V[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:41:30] [LOG] GPU driver : 41735[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:41:30] [LOG] GPU memory usage : 3202.460938[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:41:30] [LOG] GPU memory loading: 16[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:41:30] [LOG] ViveSR_CreateModule() start[JSON] [2018-12-17 19:41:30] [LOG] found steam install path[JSON] [2018-12-17 19:41:30] [LOG] using device : LHR-0EA1BEB8[JSON] [2018-12-17 19:41:30] [LOG] using system : lighthouse[JSON] [2018-12-17 19:41:31] [LOG] found device config file : C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/config\lighthouse\LHR-0EA1BEB8\config.json[JSON] [2018-12-17 19:41:31] [LOG] Cali_V2D_00000[JSON] [2018-12-17 19:41:31] [LOG] MIE_GCP_00000[JSON] [2018-12-17 19:41:31] [LOG] found steam install path[JSON] [2018-12-17 19:41:31] [LOG] using device : LHR-0EA1BEB8[JSON] [2018-12-17 19:41:31] [LOG] using system : lighthouse[JSON] [2018-12-17 19:41:31] [LOG] found device config file : C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/config\lighthouse\LHR-0EA1BEB8\config.json[JSON] [2018-12-17 19:41:31] [LOG] Cali_V2D_00000[JSON] [2018-12-17 19:41:31] [LOG] MIE_GCP_00000[ENGINE_SEETHROUGH_0] [2018-12-17 19:41:31] [LOG] ExternalCommandModule_link_to_SeeThrough_mode(first)[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:41:31] [LOG] SeeThroughModuleSetDevice:: D3DDevice[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:41:31] [LOG] CM_MT1_MID0_00000[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:41:31] [LOG] ViveSR_CreateModule() end[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:41:31] [LOG] ViveSR_CreateModule() start[ENGINE_DEPTH_2] [2018-12-17 19:41:31] [LOG] ExternalCommandModule_link_to_Depth_mode(first)[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:41:31] [LOG] CM_MT4_MID2_00000[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:41:31] [LOG] ViveSR_CreateModule() end[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:41:31] [LOG] ViveSR_CreateModule() start[ENGINE_AI_SCENE_4] [2018-12-17 19:41:31] [LOG] ExternalCommandModule_link_to_AI_Vision_mode(first)[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:41:31] [LOG] CM_MT7_MID4_00000[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:41:31] [LOG] ViveSR_CreateModule() end[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:41:31] [LOG] ViveSR_CreateModule() start[ENGINE_RIGID_RECONSTRUCTION_6] [2018-12-17 19:41:31] [LOG] ExternalCommandModule_link_to_RigidReconstruction_mode(first)[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:41:31] [LOG] ReconsModuleSetDevice:: D3DDevice[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:41:31] [LOG] CM_MT5_MID6_00000[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:41:31] [LOG] ViveSR_CreateModule() end[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:41:31] [LOG] SM0ViveSR_StartModule() start[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:41:31] [LOG] SM0ViveSR_StartModule() check pass[ENGINE_SEETHROUGH_0_DLL] [2018-12-17 19:41:31] [LOG] initialization mode 2-2[ENGINE_SEETHROUGH_0_DLL] [2018-12-17 19:41:31] [LOG] Create Mapping table start[ENGINE_SEETHROUGH_0_DLL] [2018-12-17 19:41:31] [LOG] Create Mapping table end[ENGINE_SEETHROUGH_0_DLL] [2018-12-17 19:41:31] [LOG] Create Mapping table start[ENGINE_SEETHROUGH_0_DLL] [2018-12-17 19:41:31] [LOG] Create Mapping table end[ENGINE_SEETHROUGH_0_DLL] [2018-12-17 19:41:31] [LOG] initialization mode end2-2[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:41:31] [LOG] SM0ViveSR_StartModule() initial end[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:41:31] [LOG] SM0ViveSR_StartModule() initial pass[ENGINE_SEETHROUGH_0_DLL] [2018-12-17 19:41:31] [LOG] TurnOn

4-2. The full log for "SRWorks.log" for GTX1080 PC for the .exe file(which runs smoothly)

[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:12] [LOG] ViveSR_Initial() success[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:12] [LOG] SRWorks Version[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:12] [LOG] OS : Windows 8+[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:12] [LOG] CPU GetMemory Total : 16303.000000[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:12] [LOG] CPU GetMemory InUse : 5127.000000[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:12] [LOG] GPU : GeForce GTX 1080[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:12] [LOG] GPU driver : 41170[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:12] [LOG] GPU memory usage : 2186.050781[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:12] [LOG] GPU memory loading: 12[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:12] [LOG] ViveSR_CreateModule() start[JSON] [2018-12-17 19:23:12] [LOG] found steam install path[JSON] [2018-12-17 19:23:12] [LOG] using device : LHR-00658F6C[JSON] [2018-12-17 19:23:12] [LOG] using system : lighthouse[JSON] [2018-12-17 19:23:13] [LOG] found device config file : C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\config\lighthouse\LHR-00658F6C\config.json[JSON] [2018-12-17 19:23:13] [LOG] Cali_V2D_00000[JSON] [2018-12-17 19:23:13] [LOG] MIE_GCP_00000[JSON] [2018-12-17 19:23:13] [LOG] found steam install path[JSON] [2018-12-17 19:23:13] [LOG] using device : LHR-00658F6C[JSON] [2018-12-17 19:23:13] [LOG] using system : lighthouse[JSON] [2018-12-17 19:23:13] [LOG] found device config file : C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\config\lighthouse\LHR-00658F6C\config.json[JSON] [2018-12-17 19:23:13] [LOG] Cali_V2D_00000[JSON] [2018-12-17 19:23:13] [LOG] MIE_GCP_00000[ENGINE_SEETHROUGH_0] [2018-12-17 19:23:13] [LOG] ExternalCommandModule_link_to_SeeThrough_mode(first)[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:13] [LOG] SeeThroughModuleSetDevice:: D3DDevice[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:13] [LOG] CM_MT1_MID0_00000[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:13] [LOG] ViveSR_CreateModule() end[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:13] [LOG] ViveSR_CreateModule() start[ENGINE_DEPTH_2] [2018-12-17 19:23:13] [LOG] ExternalCommandModule_link_to_Depth_mode(first)[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:13] [LOG] CM_MT4_MID2_00000[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:13] [LOG] ViveSR_CreateModule() end[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:13] [LOG] ViveSR_CreateModule() start[ENGINE_AI_SCENE_4] [2018-12-17 19:23:13] [LOG] ExternalCommandModule_link_to_AI_Vision_mode(first)[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:13] [LOG] CM_MT7_MID4_00000[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:13] [LOG] ViveSR_CreateModule() end[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:13] [LOG] ViveSR_CreateModule() start[ENGINE_RIGID_RECONSTRUCTION_6] [2018-12-17 19:23:13] [LOG] ExternalCommandModule_link_to_RigidReconstruction_mode(first)[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:13] [LOG] ReconsModuleSetDevice:: D3DDevice[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:13] [LOG] CM_MT5_MID6_00000[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:13] [LOG] ViveSR_CreateModule() end[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:13] [LOG] SM0ViveSR_StartModule() start[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:13] [LOG] SM0ViveSR_StartModule() check pass[ENGINE_SEETHROUGH_0_DLL] [2018-12-17 19:23:13] [LOG] initialization mode 2-2[ENGINE_SEETHROUGH_0_DLL] [2018-12-17 19:23:13] [LOG] Create Mapping table start[ENGINE_SEETHROUGH_0_DLL] [2018-12-17 19:23:13] [LOG] Create Mapping table end[ENGINE_SEETHROUGH_0_DLL] [2018-12-17 19:23:13] [LOG] Create Mapping table start[ENGINE_SEETHROUGH_0_DLL] [2018-12-17 19:23:13] [LOG] Create Mapping table end[ENGINE_SEETHROUGH_0_DLL] [2018-12-17 19:23:13] [LOG] initialization mode end2-2[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:13] [LOG] SM0ViveSR_StartModule() initial end[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:13] [LOG] SM0ViveSR_StartModule() initial pass[ENGINE_SEETHROUGH_0_DLL] [2018-12-17 19:23:13] [LOG] TurnOn[ENGINE_SEETHROUGH_0_DLL] [2018-12-17 19:23:14] [LOG] loading undistortion parameters start[ENGINE_SEETHROUGH_0_DLL] [2018-12-17 19:23:14] [LOG] loading undistortion parameters end[ENGINE_SEETHROUGH_0_DLL] [2018-12-17 19:23:14] [LOG] loading undistortion parameters start[ENGINE_SEETHROUGH_0_DLL] [2018-12-17 19:23:14] [LOG] loading undistortion parameters end[ENGINE_SEETHROUGH_0_DLL] [2018-12-17 19:23:14] [LOG] TurnOn end[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:14] [LOG] SM0ViveSR_StartModule() start pass[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:14] [LOG] SM0_00000[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:14] [LOG] SM0ViveSR_StartModule() end[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:14] [LOG] SM2ViveSR_StartModule() start[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:14] [LOG] SM2ViveSR_StartModule() check pass[ENGINE_DEPTH_2] [2018-12-17 19:23:14] [LOG] init_S[ENGINE_DEPTH_2_DLL] [2018-12-17 19:23:14] [LOG] initialization mode 0-0[ENGINE_DEPTH_2_DLL] [2018-12-17 19:23:15] [LOG] initialization mode end0-0[ENGINE_DEPTH_2_DLL] [2018-12-17 19:23:15] [LOG] f-> x:272.992523 y:272.992523[ENGINE_DEPTH_2_DLL] [2018-12-17 19:23:15] [LOG] m-> x:320.000000 y:240.000000[ENGINE_DEPTH_2_DLL] [2018-12-17 19:23:15] [LOG] size->640:480[ENGINE_DEPTH_2_DLL] [2018-12-17 19:23:15] [LOG] DepthWorldMinMax->0.200000:10.000000[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:15] [LOG] SM2ViveSR_StartModule() initial end[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:15] [LOG] SM2ViveSR_StartModule() initial pass[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:15] [LOG] SM2ViveSR_StartModule() start pass[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:15] [LOG] SM2_00000[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:15] [LOG] SM2ViveSR_StartModule() end[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:15] [LOG] SM4ViveSR_StartModule() start[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:15] [LOG] SM4ViveSR_StartModule() check pass[ENGINE_AI_SCENE_4] [2018-12-17 19:23:15] [LOG] init_S[ENGINE_AI_SCENE_4_DLL] [2018-12-17 19:23:15] [LOG] model path : C:/Users/motionlab2/Desktop/Vive_SRWorks/SRworks_Build-Unity-[ENGINE_AI_SCENE_4_DLL] [2018-12-17 19:23:15] [LOG] stage 1 done[ENGINE_AI_SCENE_4_DLL] [2018-12-17 19:23:15] [LOG] stage 2 done[ENGINE_AI_SCENE_4_DLL] [2018-12-17 19:23:16] [LOG] stage 3 done[ENGINE_AI_SCENE_4] [2018-12-17 19:23:16] [LOG] status : 257[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:16] [LOG] SM4ViveSR_StartModule() initial end[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:16] [LOG] SM4ViveSR_StartModule() initial pass[ENGINE_AI_SCENE_4] [2018-12-17 19:23:16] [LOG] Memery alocated[ENGINE_AI_SCENE_4] [2018-12-17 19:23:16] [LOG] status : 273[ENGINE_AI_SCENE_4] [2018-12-17 19:23:16] [LOG] status : 273[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:16] [LOG] SM4ViveSR_StartModule() start pass[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:16] [LOG] SM4_00000[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:16] [LOG] SM4ViveSR_StartModule() end[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:16] [LOG] SM6ViveSR_StartModule() start[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:16] [LOG] SM6ViveSR_StartModule() check pass[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:16] [LOG] SM6ViveSR_StartModule() initial end[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:16] [LOG] SM6ViveSR_StartModule() initial pass[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:16] [LOG] SM6ViveSR_StartModule() start pass[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:16] [LOG] SM6_00000[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:16] [LOG] SM6ViveSR_StartModule() end[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:16] [LOG] ViveSR_ModuleLink() start[ENGINE_RIGID_RECONSTRUCTION_6] [2018-12-17 19:23:16] [LOG] Depth_link_to_RigidReconstruction_mode(first)[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:16] [LOG] LM2-6_MODE1_00000[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:16] [LOG] ViveSR_ModuleLink() end[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:16] [LOG] ViveSR_ModuleLink() start[ENGINE_AI_SCENE_4] [2018-12-17 19:23:16] [LOG] RigidReconstruction_link_to_AI_Vision_mode(first)[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:16] [LOG] LM6-4_MODE1_00000[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:16] [LOG] ViveSR_ModuleLink() end[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:22] [LOG] CLM_M0_M2_mode-1[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:22] [LOG] CLM_M0_M2_mode-1[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:22] [LOG] ViveSR_Stop() start[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:22] [LOG] ViveSR_Stop() phase1[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:22] [LOG] ViveSR_Stop() phase2[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:22] [LOG] ViveSR_Stop() phase2-0_start[ENGINE_SEETHROUGH_0_DLL] [2018-12-17 19:23:22] [LOG] TurnOff[ENGINE_SEETHROUGH_0_DLL] [2018-12-17 19:23:22] [LOG] ~DefishApp[ENGINE_SEETHROUGH_0_DLL] [2018-12-17 19:23:22] [LOG] ~DefishApp end[ENGINE_SEETHROUGH_0_DLL] [2018-12-17 19:23:22] [LOG] ~DefishApp[ENGINE_SEETHROUGH_0_DLL] [2018-12-17 19:23:22] [LOG] ~DefishApp end[ENGINE_SEETHROUGH_0_DLL] [2018-12-17 19:23:22] [LOG] TurnOff end[ENGINE_SEETHROUGH_0_DLL] [2018-12-17 19:23:22] [LOG] ~Undistortion table[ENGINE_SEETHROUGH_0_DLL] [2018-12-17 19:23:22] [LOG] ~Undistortion table[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:22] [LOG] ViveSR_Stop() phase2-0_end[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:22] [LOG] ViveSR_Stop() phase2-1_start[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:22] [LOG] ViveSR_Stop() phase2-1_end[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:22] [LOG] ViveSR_Stop() phase2-2_start[ENGINE_DEPTH_2] [2018-12-17 19:23:22] [LOG] release_S[ENGINE_DEPTH_2_DLL] [2018-12-17 19:23:22] [LOG] TurnOff[ENGINE_DEPTH_2_DLL] [2018-12-17 19:23:22] [LOG] TurnOff end[ENGINE_DEPTH_2_DLL] [2018-12-17 19:23:22] [LOG] Vive Depth Spatial Destruction[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:22] [LOG] ViveSR_Stop() phase2-2_end[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:22] [LOG] ViveSR_Stop() phase2-3_start[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:22] [LOG] ViveSR_Stop() phase2-3_end[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:22] [LOG] ViveSR_Stop() phase2-4_start[ENGINE_AI_SCENE_4] [2018-12-17 19:23:22] [LOG] release_S[ENGINE_AI_SCENE_4] [2018-12-17 19:23:22] [LOG] status : 1118481[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:22] [LOG] ViveSR_Stop() phase2-4_end[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:22] [LOG] ViveSR_Stop() phase2-5_start[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:22] [LOG] ViveSR_Stop() phase2-5_end[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:22] [LOG] ViveSR_Stop() phase2-6_start[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:23] [LOG] ViveSR_Stop() phase2-6_end[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:23] [LOG] ViveSR_Stop() phase2-7_start[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:23] [LOG] ViveSR_Stop() phase2-7_end[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:23] [LOG] ViveSR_Stop() phase3[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:23] [LOG] STP_WORKs_ prepare release memory[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:23] [LOG] ViveSR_Stop() end[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:23] [LOG] SetParamBool_10019UNKONW_MODULE[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:23] [LOG] SetCmdBool_10024UNKONW_MODULE[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:23] [LOG] CLM_10029UNKONW_MODULE[Vive SRWorks] [2018-12-17 19:23:24] [LOG] UnitySetGraphicsDevice:: D3D11



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We've opened an inquiry into your specific report and the overall support status of SRWorks on Titan series GPUs. The inquiry may take additional time due to the US holidays but we're definitely looking into it alongside Nvidia.


We'll post any updates we may have in this thread. 


, I'm sending you a PM - please be on the lookout for it. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

I also ran the sample scenes of SRWorks SDK v0.8.0.2, but execution stops similarly with the log of [ENGINE_SEETHROUGH_0_DLL] ____ [LOG] TurnOn.
The environment is as follows.
· Unity 5.5.3 f 1 (64 bits)
· NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070 (latest driver)
· Steam VR 1.1.4
· Steam VR Plugin v1.2.3

In the same environment, SRWorks SDK v0.7.5.0 can operate normally.

Please tell me if there is a solution to operate the sample scenes in "Vive_SRWorks_Demo.exe" or "Vive_SRWorks.exe", Vive - SRWorks - - Unity - Plugin.unitypackage.

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For now, I am also waiting for replies from the developers, though I'm not expecting an update on January, since it is just the beginning of an end of the holiday season.


Also, I haven't tried SRworks with Unity 5.5 or 5.6 version, but I doubt if it can run smoothly with Unity version 2+ years ago.


I've found 2018.3.x versions cannot run SRworks with GTX 1080, though the 2018.2.20f can.

Maybe you can somehow backup your current Unity version and try with 2018.2.20f for SRworks

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  • 4 weeks later...

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