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Can't get WaveVR Simulator working


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I'm having some trouble getting the simulator to work with the Vive Focus. I've followed the instructions in the documentation, but the simulator doesn't seem to start (that is, I don't have the yellow screen inside the HMD). Both when clicking "Install Simulator Apk" and when clicking "Start Simulator" a window pops up for a fraction of a second and then immediately closes again (so I can't tell if it displays any errors).


The Unity console only displays


Uninstall Simulator apk is done : 1Install Simulator apk is done : 1Start Simulator is done : 1

I'm also not seeing the icon for starting the simulator anywhere inside the Focus, so I'm not sure the installation even worked.


The Focus is connected via USB (and adb devices finds it) and WiFi is disabled (although that shouldn't matter as of 2.1.8 as far as I understand). Any idea what might be wrong or how I could diagnose the problem?


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I disabled suspending in the developer options, but I also tried putting my finger on the sensor. I'll stick something on top just to be sure. And yes, I can get the device via adb devices, I can also deploy my own .apk through Unity's build-and-run without issues.

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 Yeah, I just put some opaque tape on it and I'm still getting a "1" when trying to install or start the Simulator.


FWIW, I just recorded my screen while the cmd.exe windows pop up to check whether there would be any useful error message on them, but they disappear before they actually display anything.

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 Hey, so I've got the Simulator running now, but I'm not entirely sure what it's supposed to do (since the docs only explain how to set it up, not how to use it). Is the headset's and controller's position supposed to be tracked inside the Unity editor? Because that's not happening. The camera just sits at (0,0,0), and the controller doesn't move either. Or are there some mouse/keyboard controls to move the headset and camera? Also, there's an exception I'm only getting when building and running on the Focus, not when running in the Editor via the simulator. Isn't the Simulator supposed to let me debug these issues?

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