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WAVE SDK 2.1.8 and versions of Unity / Android SDK / Java SDKs


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I was able to build and run the simple sample "HelloVR" with Unity 5.6.3 and jdk-1.8.0-192.
If the scene is build using later versions of Unity, e.g.  2019.1, it crashes on the FOCUS.


Is there any known limitation or configuration of Unity versions and/or Android /Java SDKs for building FOCUS apps?


Thank you for sharing experience or any recommendation for a working configuration (using latest software).

Best    Klaus

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Currently building an app using WAVE SDK 2.1.8 on Unity 2018.3.8f1 and the embedded jdk-1.8.0_152 for the FOCUS.

Seems to be working well with this setup. Only splash screens appear to be missing, but that's possibly because I'm currently still creating debug builds.

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