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Reconstruction Engine causes crash


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I've now tried the SRWorks SDK for both Unity and Unreal as well as the prebuilt unity version. In all those scenarios as soon as I try to access any feature that requires depth information or the 3D mesh the application crashes. Just normal seethrough and the portal example work fine.

The error seems to happen when the reconstruction engine initializes. Here are the lines from reconstruction.log:

[Reconstruction Engine] [2019-03-07 14:32:21] [LOG] Set DataSource:0[Reconstruction Engine] [2019-03-07 14:32:21] [LOG] Set not to use sensor device[Reconstruction Engine] [2019-03-07 14:32:21] [-!-ERROR-!-] [code: 0x0013] [Reconstruction Engine] [2019-03-07 14:32:21] [LOG] Reconstruction Engine Init Failed Due to Exception: 19

here are some corresponding lines from SRWorks.log:

[ENGINE_DEPTH_2_DLL] [2019-03-07 14:32:20] [LOG] initialization mode 0-0[ENGINE_DEPTH_2_DLL] [2019-03-07 14:32:21] [LOG] initialization mode end0-0[ENGINE_DEPTH_2_DLL] [2019-03-07 14:32:21] [LOG] f-> x:273.407349 y:273.407349[ENGINE_DEPTH_2_DLL] [2019-03-07 14:32:21] [LOG] m-> x:320.000000 y:240.000000[ENGINE_DEPTH_2_DLL] [2019-03-07 14:32:21] [LOG] size->640:480[ENGINE_DEPTH_2_DLL] [2019-03-07 14:32:21] [LOG] DepthWorldMinMax->0.200000:10.000000[ENGINE_DEPTH_2_DLL] [2019-03-07 14:32:21] [LOG] Reconstruction Engine Init Failed Due to Exception: 19[Vive SRWorks] [2019-03-07 14:32:21] [LOG] SM2ViveSR_StartModule() initial end[Vive SRWorks] [2019-03-07 14:32:21] [LOG] SM2ViveSR_StartModule() initial pass[Vive SRWorks] [2019-03-07 14:32:21] [LOG] SM2ViveSR_StartModule() start pass[Vive SRWorks] [2019-03-07 14:32:21] [LOG] SM2_00000[Vive SRWorks] [2019-03-07 14:32:21] [LOG] SM2ViveSR_StartModule() end[Vive SRWorks] [2019-03-07 14:32:21] [LOG] SM4ViveSR_StartModule() start[Vive SRWorks] [2019-03-07 14:32:21] [LOG] SM4ViveSR_StartModule() check pass[ENGINE_AI_SCENE_4] [2019-03-07 14:32:21] [LOG] init_S[ENGINE_AI_SCENE_4_DLL] [2019-03-07 14:32:21] [LOG] model path : D:/downloads/vive_sr_toolkit_Build-Unity-[ENGINE_AI_SCENE_4_DLL] [2019-03-07 14:32:21] [LOG] stage 1 done[ENGINE_AI_SCENE_4_DLL] [2019-03-07 14:32:21] [LOG] stage 2 done[ENGINE_AI_SCENE_4_DLL] [2019-03-07 14:32:21] [LOG] stage 3 done[ENGINE_AI_SCENE_4] [2019-03-07 14:32:21] [LOG] status : 257[Vive SRWorks] [2019-03-07 14:32:21] [LOG] SM4ViveSR_StartModule() initial end[Vive SRWorks] [2019-03-07 14:32:21] [LOG] SM4ViveSR_StartModule() initial pass[ENGINE_AI_SCENE_4] [2019-03-07 14:32:21] [LOG] Memery alocated[ENGINE_AI_SCENE_4] [2019-03-07 14:32:21] [LOG] status : 273[ENGINE_AI_SCENE_4] [2019-03-07 14:32:21] [LOG] status : 273[Vive SRWorks] [2019-03-07 14:32:21] [LOG] SM4ViveSR_StartModule() start pass[Vive SRWorks] [2019-03-07 14:32:21] [LOG] SM4_00000[Vive SRWorks] [2019-03-07 14:32:21] [LOG] SM4ViveSR_StartModule() end[Vive SRWorks] [2019-03-07 14:32:21] [LOG] SM6ViveSR_StartModule() start[Vive SRWorks] [2019-03-07 14:32:21] [LOG] SM6ViveSR_StartModule() check pass[Vive SRWorks] [2019-03-07 14:32:21] [LOG] SM6ViveSR_StartModule() initial end[Vive SRWorks] [2019-03-07 14:32:21] [LOG] SM6ViveSR_StartModule() initial pass[Vive SRWorks] [2019-03-07 14:32:21] [LOG] SM6ViveSR_StartModule() start pass[Vive SRWorks] [2019-03-07 14:32:21] [LOG] SM6_00000[Vive SRWorks] [2019-03-07 14:32:21] [LOG] SM6ViveSR_StartModule() end[Vive SRWorks] [2019-03-07 14:32:21] [LOG] ViveSR_ModuleLink() start[ENGINE_RIGID_RECONSTRUCTION_6] [2019-03-07 14:32:21] [LOG] Depth_link_to_RigidReconstruction_mode(first)[Vive SRWorks] [2019-03-07 14:32:21] [LOG] LM2-6_MODE1_00000[Vive SRWorks] [2019-03-07 14:32:21] [LOG] ViveSR_ModuleLink() end[Vive SRWorks] [2019-03-07 14:32:21] [LOG] ViveSR_ModuleLink() start[ENGINE_AI_SCENE_4] [2019-03-07 14:32:21] [LOG] RigidReconstruction_link_to_AI_Vision_mode(first)

My Setup:
Nvidia Gforce 780ti (3GB Vram), Intel i7-4820, 32GB Ram
I have the newest graphics drivers installed and just updated the cuda toolkit to be sure.




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J'ai lerreur suivante a la reconstruction lorsque j'essaie d'exporter vers un obj:

[cudaReconstruction Engine ] [error 2019-04-18 04:07:45C:/Users] /liyi_zheng/Desktop/GIT/mr[-!-ERROR-!-] _engine/[code: 0xModule/Mi0013]
rageDualCameraAPI_Module_Depth/MirageDualCameraAPI/src/multiscale_combine.cu : 256 unspecified launch failure
OpenCV: terminate handler is called! The last OpenCV error is:
OpenCV(3.4.2) Error: Gpu API call (unspecified launch failure) in cv::cuda::GpuMat::upload, file C:/Users/liyi_zheng/Desktop/opencv342/modules/core/src/cuda/gpu_mat.cu, line 236


carte graphique: NVIDIA 1080

driver nvidia mis a jour: 425.31

mais carte graphique est compatible Pascal normallement.


J'ai essayé de compiler les source de l'exemple C avec la version 4.1.0 de opencv mais rien y fait

Je travaille en DEBUG et en RELEASE, les deux crash

Je n'ai pas encore installé cuda comme il faut... ?

le programme marche avec une petite capture genre 1000 frames

mais entre 4000 et 24000 il plante...

[Reconstruction Engine] [2019-04-18 04:06:48] [LOG] Frame:24050, FPS:18.082373, #Vert:18625, Stride:16, #Idx:90999




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this message is only a translation of  's message


Hi,  I get the following error during reconstruction when trying to export as .obj

[cudaReconstruction Engine ] [error 2019-04-18 04:07:45C:/Users] /liyi_zheng/Desktop/GIT/mr[-!-ERROR-!-] _engine/[code: 0xModule/Mi0013]rageDualCameraAPI_Module_Depth/MirageDualCameraAPI/src/multiscale_combine.cu : 256 unspecified launch failureOpenCV: terminate handler is called! The last OpenCV error is:OpenCV(3.4.2) Error: Gpu API call (unspecified launch failure) in cv::cuda::GpuMat::upload, file C:/Users/liyi_zheng/Desktop/opencv342/modules/core/src/cuda/gpu_mat.cu, line 236

Graphic card: NVIDIA 1080

Driver version : 425.31

this graphic card is Pascal compatible normaly.


I've tried to compile the source code of the Exemple in C with the version 4.1.0 of OpenCV but it still doesn't work


I've tried Debug and Release but both crashes


Maybe i've not installed Cuda correclty ?


the program works with a small capture like 1000 frames but between 4000 and 24000 it crashes.

[Reconstruction Engine] [2019-04-18 04:06:48] [LOG] Frame:24050, FPS:18.082373, #Vert:18625, Stride:16, #Idx:90999
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SRWork: C-Sample-

Visual Studio: 2017 (tested with 2015)

Cuda: 10.1 (last)



[Vive SRWorks] [2019-04-18 23:13:10] [LOG] ViveSR_Initial() success[Vive SRWorks] [2019-04-18 23:13:10] [LOG] SRWorks Version[Vive SRWorks] [2019-04-18 23:13:10] [LOG] OS : Windows 8+[Vive SRWorks] [2019-04-18 23:13:10] [LOG] CPU GetMemory Total : 32701.000000[Vive SRWorks] [2019-04-18 23:13:10] [LOG] CPU GetMemory InUse : 8791.000000[Vive SRWorks] [2019-04-18 23:13:11] [LOG] GPU : GeForce GTX 1080[Vive SRWorks] [2019-04-18 23:13:11] [LOG] GPU driver : 42531[Vive SRWorks] [2019-04-18 23:13:11] [LOG] GPU memory usage : 1549.042969[Vive SRWorks] [2019-04-18 23:13:11] [LOG] GPU memory loading: 9[JSON] [2019-04-18 23:13:11] [LOG] found steam install path[JSON] [2019-04-18 23:13:11] [LOG] using device : LHR-EDA0FB99[JSON] [2019-04-18 23:13:11] [LOG] using system : lighthouse[JSON] [2019-04-18 23:13:11] [LOG] found device config file : C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\config\lighthouse\LHR-EDA0FB99\config.json[JSON] [2019-04-18 23:13:12] [LOG] Cali_V2D_00000[JSON] [2019-04-18 23:13:13] [LOG] MIE_GCP_00000[JSON] [2019-04-18 23:13:13] [LOG] found steam install path[JSON] [2019-04-18 23:13:13] [LOG] using device : LHR-EDA0FB99[JSON] [2019-04-18 23:13:13] [LOG] using system : lighthouse[JSON] [2019-04-18 23:13:14] [LOG] found device config file : C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\config\lighthouse\LHR-EDA0FB99\config.json[JSON] [2019-04-18 23:13:14] [LOG] Cali_V2D_00000[JSON] [2019-04-18 23:13:14] [LOG] MIE_GCP_00000[ENGINE_SEETHROUGH_0] [2019-04-18 23:13:14] [LOG] ExternalCommandModule_link_to_SeeThrough_mode(first)[Vive SRWorks] [2019-04-18 23:13:14] [LOG] CM_MT1_MID0_00000[ENGINE_DEPTH_2] [2019-04-18 23:13:14] [LOG] ExternalCommandModule_link_to_Depth_mode(first)[Vive SRWorks] [2019-04-18 23:13:14] [LOG] CM_MT4_MID2_00000[ENGINE_AI_SCENE_4] [2019-04-18 23:13:14] [LOG] ExternalCommandModule_link_to_AI_Vision_mode(first)[Vive SRWorks] [2019-04-18 23:13:14] [LOG] CM_MT7_MID4_00000[ENGINE_RIGID_RECONSTRUCTION_6] [2019-04-18 23:13:14] [LOG] ExternalCommandModule_link_to_RigidReconstruction_mode(first)[Vive SRWorks] [2019-04-18 23:13:14] [LOG] CM_MT5_MID6_00000[ENGINE_SEETHROUGH_0] [2019-04-18 23:13:15] [LOG] M_MSCD_set_VRINT_1[ENGINE_SEETHROUGH_0] [2019-04-18 23:13:15] [LOG] M_MSCD_set_VRINT_TYPE1[ENGINE_SEETHROUGH_0_DLL] [2019-04-18 23:13:26] [LOG] initialization mode 2-2[ENGINE_SEETHROUGH_0_DLL] [2019-04-18 23:13:26] [LOG] Create Mapping table start[ENGINE_SEETHROUGH_0_DLL] [2019-04-18 23:13:26] [LOG] Create Mapping table end[ENGINE_SEETHROUGH_0_DLL] [2019-04-18 23:13:26] [LOG] Create Mapping table start[ENGINE_SEETHROUGH_0_DLL] [2019-04-18 23:13:26] [LOG] Create Mapping table end[ENGINE_SEETHROUGH_0_DLL] [2019-04-18 23:13:26] [LOG] initialization mode end2-2[ENGINE_SEETHROUGH_0_DLL] [2019-04-18 23:13:27] [LOG] TurnOn[ENGINE_SEETHROUGH_0_DLL] [2019-04-18 23:13:27] [LOG] loading undistortion parameters start[ENGINE_SEETHROUGH_0_DLL] [2019-04-18 23:13:27] [LOG] loading undistortion parameters end[ENGINE_SEETHROUGH_0_DLL] [2019-04-18 23:13:27] [LOG] loading undistortion parameters start[ENGINE_SEETHROUGH_0_DLL] [2019-04-18 23:13:27] [LOG] loading undistortion parameters end[ENGINE_SEETHROUGH_0_DLL] [2019-04-18 23:13:27] [LOG] TurnOn end[Vive SRWorks] [2019-04-18 23:13:27] [LOG] SM0_00000[ENGINE_DEPTH_2] [2019-04-18 23:13:27] [LOG] init_S[ENGINE_DEPTH_2_DLL] [2019-04-18 23:13:27] [LOG] initialization mode 0-0[ENGINE_DEPTH_2_DLL] [2019-04-18 23:13:27] [LOG] initialization mode end0-0[ENGINE_DEPTH_2_DLL] [2019-04-18 23:13:27] [LOG] f-> x:273.820099 y:273.820099[ENGINE_DEPTH_2_DLL] [2019-04-18 23:13:27] [LOG] m-> x:320.000000 y:240.000000[ENGINE_DEPTH_2_DLL] [2019-04-18 23:13:27] [LOG] size->640:480[ENGINE_DEPTH_2_DLL] [2019-04-18 23:13:27] [LOG] DepthWorldMinMax->0.200000:10.000000[Vive SRWorks] [2019-04-18 23:13:27] [LOG] SM2_00000[ENGINE_AI_SCENE_4] [2019-04-18 23:13:27] [LOG] init_S[ENGINE_AI_SCENE_4_DLL] [2019-04-18 23:13:27] [LOG] model path : ../.././model/sceneSemantic/[ENGINE_AI_SCENE_4_DLL] [2019-04-18 23:13:27] [LOG] stage 1 done[ENGINE_AI_SCENE_4_DLL] [2019-04-18 23:13:27] [LOG] stage 2 done[ENGINE_AI_SCENE_4_DLL] [2019-04-18 23:13:28] [LOG] stage 3 done[ENGINE_AI_SCENE_4] [2019-04-18 23:13:28] [LOG] status : 257[ENGINE_AI_SCENE_4] [2019-04-18 23:13:28] [LOG] Memery alocated[ENGINE_AI_SCENE_4] [2019-04-18 23:13:28] [LOG] status : 273[ENGINE_AI_SCENE_4] [2019-04-18 23:13:28] [LOG] status : 273[Vive SRWorks] [2019-04-18 23:13:28] [LOG] SM4_00000[Vive SRWorks] [2019-04-18 23:13:29] [LOG] SM6_00000[ENGINE_DEPTH_2] [2019-04-18 23:13:29] [LOG] SeeThrough_link_to_Depth_mode(first)[Vive SRWorks] [2019-04-18 23:13:29] [LOG] LM0-2_MODE1_00000[ENGINE_RIGID_RECONSTRUCTION_6] [2019-04-18 23:13:29] [LOG] Depth_link_to_RigidReconstruction_mode(first)[Vive SRWorks] [2019-04-18 23:13:29] [LOG] LM2-6_MODE1_00000[ENGINE_AI_SCENE_4] [2019-04-18 23:13:29] [LOG] RigidReconstruction_link_to_AI_Vision_mode(first)[Vive SRWorks] [2019-04-18 23:13:29] [LOG] LM6-4_MODE1_00000[ENGINE_SEETHROUGH_0_DLL] [2019-04-18 23:13:37] [LOG] module alive


[Reconstruction Engine] [2019-04-18 23:13:28] [LOG] Set DataSource:0[Reconstruction Engine] [2019-04-18 23:13:28] [LOG] Set not to use sensor device[Reconstruction Engine] [2019-04-18 23:13:29] [LOG] ModuleSegmentation Callback Registered to Reconstruction[Reconstruction Engine] [2019-04-18 23:14:24] [LOG] CMD: Start Process[Reconstruction Engine] [2019-04-18 23:14:27] [LOG] Frame:50, FPS:21.423105, #Vert:4441, Stride:16, #Idx:15120...[Reconstruction Engine] [2019-04-18 23:45:39] [LOG] Frame:12150, FPS:15.484113, #Vert:27915, Stride:16, #Idx:140505[Reconstruction Engine] [2019-04-18 23:45:40] [LOG] CMD: Stop Process[Reconstruction Engine] [2019-04-18 23:45:42] [LOG] CMD: Export to ./Recons3DAsset/VivePro[Reconstruction Engine] [2019-04-18 23:45:43] [LOG] Start Geometry Extraction...[Reconstruction Engine] [2019-04-18 23:45:43] [LOG] Extracting For Chunk: 1/27[Reconstruction Engine] [2019-04-18 23:45:51] [LOG] Extracting For Chunk: 2/27[Reconstruction Engine] [2019-04-18 23:45:51] [-!-ERROR-!-] [code: 0x0013] [Reconstruction Engine] [2019-04-18 23:45:51] [LOG] Export Failed Due to Exception: 19


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