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FAQ - Vive Hand Tracking SDK


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  • 2 weeks later...

I tried to run the given sample scene. OpenVR was included, the camera was working fine, already update patch

However, when ran using Unity 2018.2.20, Unity showed error

when ran using Unity 2017.4.16, Unity crashed and disappeared

The problem also occured when include GestureProvider script to other scenes

Do you know what might be the problem of this


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I really need it to work with 2018.2.20

I can't include the crash files, but I think this is the error

igdrclneo64.dll caused an Access Violation (0xc0000005)
in module igdrclneo64.dll at 0033:050c0789.
I imported Hand Tracking SDK, then the plugin, then the update files, and include the  openVR
I have another question, Can I use HandSDK together with SRWorks? with the camera seethrough mode.
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From a quick google about "igdrclneo64.dll", it seems to be a driver problem which makes OpenCL failed to work. Please make sure:

1. You have installed latest drivers from NVIDIA/AMD (depending on your vendor) and Intel (seems your Intel CPU have integrated GPU). Don't use the one installed by Windows Update. Goto the company website and go to support/driver download page to download latest drivers.

2. Your Vive/Vive Pro is not connected to Intel iGPU.

3. If you still encounter this failure, I would recommend you to disable iGPU in your bios.


Besides, you can test if OpenCL is successfully installed on your system. You can download a OpenCL device query binary from NVIDIA opencl sample website. Scroll down the page and download "OpenCL Device Query" for Windows (x64). You can use the binary in the "NVIDIA GPU Computing SDK\OpenCL\bin\win64\Release" folder of the zip file.


Finally, if this does not solve your problem, I would recommend you to start a new topic dedicated for your problem and we can continue discussion there.

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I have been trying to use the Hand Tracking plugin for Unreal. I have created an empty C++ project and copied the plugin's Binaries and Plugin folders in the project's root folder.


However nothing happens after I rebuild the C++ project. The setup guide says that the assets should appear in the project view.

I can't even rebuild it while the editor is loaded, as it gives this error message.


Unable to clean target while hot-reloading. Close the editor and try again.


If I try and copy the plugin's content folder manually to the project's content folder and try to load the sample map, nothing happens and there are several errors in the output log.


This happens both with 4.21 and 4.22. Do you have any idea of what I'm doing wrong?

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Hi,I have known your question and try to help you out.

First,I do not recommend you to copy plugin content manually,because for different versions,it doesn't work at all.

For now,you have copied our plugin files into your project root file.

The steps below may help you a lot:

1.Right clicking YOURPROJECT.uproject,and generate Visual Studio file.In your project solution,I really suggest you to use UnrealVS(../../Engine/Extras/UnrealVS) for hot-reloading,which is provided by EpicGames.

2.Try to use VisualStudio to launch your project instead opening it directly.

3.In UE Editor->Content Browser->View Options,make sure you have checked "Show Plugin Content".

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi There,


I'm trying to get hand tracking to work.

I've got a HTC Vice Pro with wireless adapter.

Developing in Unity.

I've set up the camera in settings and tested for a good signal (3 green checkmarks)

I can also see the feed when I enable the passthrough camera getting close to the boundary.


I'm getting "Start Detection Error: Camera" when i enable the Gesture Provider.


Has anybody tested with the Vive Wireless Adapter? Should it work?




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Hi Tom,


We have tested the Wireless adapter before. Since you can see three green marks in SteamVR settings, our SDK should work. Please make sure:


1. You have enabled OpenVR in your XRSettings in your Unity project

2. OpenVR is loaded as current XR device. There should be messages in the Unity console indicating OpenVR initialized at the beginning of the play.

3. You have installed MSVC runtime redist 2015 x64, you can download it from Microsoft website.


I would alo suggest you to start SteamVR first, check green marks, and then start Unity.


Please let me know if this solves your problem or not.


Best Regards,


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All 3 conditions where already met.


I've managed to get it to work briefly but the framerate, tracking and latency is really bad.

changing lighting conditions did not really help. After a few seconds it cuts out and then does not work anymore until I do a fresh reboot.


Over the Wireless Adapter the camera can't get more then 40 fps, i'm thinking this is the issue?

Currently, in what i've experienced so far, it's nowhere near what a leap motion is capable of.


Whishing you a lot of success and I hope to see it improve over time.

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