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Setting VR up in an RV?


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Hello, I just recently moved into an RV and I'm trying to figure out the best way to setup my VR. I'm not wanting to put holes in the walls mainly because it would look bad when I decide to sell it and also I don't think the walls would hold it anyways. I know there is an option to put them on tripods but again I live in an RV so that would take up more space than I'd want it to. I was thinking of going to walmart and buying those sticky Velcro but would it hold? Last thing I'd want is for it to fall and break. Not to mention I wouldn't be able to adjust it in the correct direction. If anyone has an idea please let me know because as of right now it's just sitting in the box it came in.

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i use some type of clamp like those one, it works perfectly for my needs, 

if you have a place to clamp them it would be the best non permanent solution


exemple( i picked the first one but i'm sure you can find cheaper one if  you search) 



also if you don't have the place to use the clamp, you could use the wall mount with strong double sided(2m kind) tape but i wouldn't try that as my first option

i think the wall mount was included with the vive, (i don't remember how we got ours but they look like that)

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These are our preferred temporary mounting solution internally. Other companies make similar products so there's a wide range of sizes and materials for this kind of clamp - shop around for one that is the size you need. These are pretty secure but you can screw them down so tightly that you can start to bite into wood/plastics/ect... if you're not careful. The one I lined has a bit of rubberized padding to protect whatever you're mounting them to - it may or may not be enough protection depending on what you'd be potentially mounting it to. 


We've dealt with some problem cases of people trying to mount these in RV's and trailers that are completely reflective on the inside. The interior must not have reflective surfaces. 

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I also live in a RV,

I used the mounting brackets you see in the photo shown by BelleGueule, I had to place them right up at the roof since my roof is about 7 feet. I aimed them down a little twards the center of the play area I picked which is my living room. Much of it depends on your trailer layout. I move my coffee table to the kitchen area when I need the full play area. Most of the games and films can be played while sitting down so I just move my (comfortable chair) to the center of the play area. Most of the time I do not need the play area and can just sit in my chair. The only problems I have run into is I forget how high my roof is and knock my controlers into the roof. but not hard enough to damage them.  You need an area of about 6 feet square you can sort of clear out. I had to cheat a little but not much to do this when I set up my play area. I really do not have a problem. My RV is a 30 footer and kitchen and dining area are separate from Living room. To give you better advice I would need to know your trailer layout. My whole system consist of a 4K Television I use as a monitor, Also a AV Receiver I arc everything through for my sound, My home built computer and of course my surround sound speakers I have scattered around the room. If you wish I could post photos of what I have done. Just let me know.

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I would actually love to see photos of what you've done. 


I'll try and find the same layout of my rv online and I'll link it here.


This is the closest one I can find to the layour of my rv. The only difference is that the rv i linked you has another room in the back and mine does not.




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Ok, Im going to post them one at a time,

This one is taken from where I sit in my (Comfortable Chair) You really need a comfortable chare for VR Viewing. I pointed out my computer and my Vive Headset and the Base, You can also see my Television I use for a monitor. When I need standing play area, I just move Chair and coffee table back into kitchen area


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This is just a helpful tip. I put all base's and the Headset on their own surge protectors, Nothing but the one items for each. The reason for this is for two reasons.

I noticed that even when I shut down my Vive system, The Headset seemed to still have power going to it and a little light stayed on even after it was turned off and it stayed a little warm. With the surge protector (Just for the Headset) and of course one each for each base. I could cut the power without unplugging ever time. It would help my equipment last longer. The other reason for the surge protector is this, I noticed that when I turned on my Vive system, My computer automatic switched my sound to the Headset. When I shut down my Headset, My computer did not switch the sound back and I realized why, Even tho it was shut down. It had power still going to the headset and the sound was still going to it. I had a choice, Manualy change the sound setting back on the computer or just cut the power to the headset. Well, I just kill the power on the surge protector and the computer switched the sound back on its own. I dont have to mess with the computer sound settings. Just a helpful tip


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When I said I had to cheat a little when setting up my play area, When using my controler to map out the play area, Instead of going around my computer, I went over it. I need too so I would get the 6 by 6 foot area I needed. It has not been a proplem. Hope showing you what I did will give you some ideas as to what you can do.

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