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SRanipal FAQ


• Download Links
• How do I calibrate the eye tracking?
• Do I need to calibrate eye tracking for different users?
• Can calibration be done during app while framework is running?
• What drivers are required for SRanipal eye tracking?
• When starting a SRanipal program Windows UAC prompts for permission?
• How do I update the SRanipal runtime?
• How do I update the Vive Pro Eye Firmware?
• Eye Camera Version N/A Issue?
• Eye Tracking is not working?
• FAQ Suggestions



• Download Links

SRanipal Runtime and SDK can be downloaded from the developer portal.

Please apply for SDK access here:

Afer application submission the SDK can be downloaded here:

If you need access to the foveated rendering plugins please reach out to your HTC contact.


• How do I calibrate the eye tracking?

Eye Tracking Calibration Launch Instructions
- Plug in Vive Pro Eye HMD

- Right Click "Vive-Super-Reality-Runtime" notification tray icon, select Eye Calibration


Eye Tracking Calibration Steps
- Turn on a controller
- Put on HMD
- Press system button on controller or HMD (below trackpad on controller)
- Select Pro Eye from SteamVR Dashboard
- Select Start Calibration
- Position HMD to center eyes
- Set IPD (slider should be centered in calibration image)
- Follow the dot with your eyes
- Press system button to close dashboard


• Do I need to calibrate eye tracking for different users?

Yes, each user will need to do the calibration steps.


• Can calibration be done during app while framework is running?

Yes, the calibration process can be run while the framework is running.


• What drivers are required for SRanipal eye tracking?

NVIDIA Public Drivers: 430.39 (April 2019) or later
NVIDIA Private Drivers: 417.91 [*VRSWrapper] (Beta driver)


• When starting a SRanipal program Windows UAC prompts for permission?

Currently the runtime causes Windows UAC prompts when using a program with SRanipal integration:
"Do you want to allow this app to make changes to your device? Vive-Super-Reality-Runtime"
Select yes to continue or press Alt+Y as a keyboard shortcut.

If you would like to disable the UAC prompts follow the instructions below.

To turn off UAC:
Click the Start menu. In the search field type UAC.
Click "Change User Account Control settings."
In the window that comes up, move the slider down to "Never Notify."
Click OK and then restart the computer.


• How do I update the SRanipal runtime?

Download the latest runtime "VIVE_SRanipalInstaller_v0.7.2.1.msi" and run it to install

Apps Installed:
Tobii VRU02 Runtime


• How do I update the Vive Pro Eye Firmware?

Eye Tracking FW vs. SteamVR Watchmen Firmware

When the Vive Pro Eye is plugged into your PC and SteamVR is running it may offer updates to the Vive Pro watchmen tracking modules. Feel free to update these as suggested by SteamVR.

There is a seperate firmware for the eye tracking modules. Only update the eye tracking firmware if you have an older dev kit that requires an update to work with the latest runtimes.

- Unzip update_xxxx.zip
- Run update.bat
- Wait for the update to complete
- Do not unuplug the Vive Pro Eye or interrupt the firmware update process!


• Eye Camera Version N/A Issue?
Right click the SRanipal notification icon and select "About" you should see the "Runtime Version:" and "Eye Camera Version: 1.88.0-8106667"
If the Vive Pro Eye is unplugged or if you are using a devkit with an older firmware it may show the eye camera version as "N/A".
If you are using a devkit with an older firmware it may be incompatible with the latest runtimes and will require a firmware update to work properly.


• Eye Tracking is not working?

If you are having further issues with the eye tracking please reach out to your HTC contact for support or post the issue in this forum.



• Eye Calibration Initialization Error and OpenCL Error?

Please see the troubleshooting guide here:



• FAQ Suggestions

If you have any suggestions for documentation feedback or improving this FAQ please let us know.

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  • 2 months later...


Could you please verify if I need Tobii license agreement when I am integrating HTC Vive Pro Eye SDK in Native application?

I am not planning to use Tobii SDK. 


On 8/5/2020 at 8:56 AM, pallavi said:


Could you please verify if I need Tobii license agreement when I am integrating HTC Vive Pro Eye SDK in Native application?

I am not planning to use Tobii SDK. 


This is also relevant for me with regard to a research application and publications at scientific conferences. I'm also not planning to use Tobii SDK. Tobii's research license is very expensive :/ I'll use only the SRanipal SDK.


The SRAnipal SDK licensees and and wraps Tobii underlying technologies and runtimes into our SDK/Runtime. Tobii has created some limits to what levels of hardware access and what tools our SDK can provide (i.e. you can't access raw video from the eye tracking cameras). If you need deeper levels of hardware access than the SRAnipal SDK can provide - you need to evaluate and license Tobii XR's SDK as they've reserved some feature-sets for their SDK.

Both SDK's are compatible with the Pro eye. When you purchase a Pro eye - it includes licensing for the SRAnipal SDK and the SR_Runtime. The SRAnipal SDK can also be used to drive fix-foveated rendering on Nvidia cards on non-eye tracking HMDs.

  • Thanks 1

@VibrantNebula @Corvus Thank you for your answers.

We are trying to integrate the HTC Vive pro in our Proprietary software. so we shall take care of the HTC licensing and privacy policy. One thing was little odd which I noticed in all headers of SDK which is mentioned as ""In no event shall the Intel Corporation or contributors be liable for any direct,  indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, or consequential damages  (including, but not limited to, procurement of substitute goods or services;"  Here Intel corporation is mentioned, and we would like to know Is there any technology involved from Intel in SDK to clear out the licensing terms?

  • 2 months later...
Posted (edited)

I've also got issues with my Vive Pro and its eye calibration failing. I'm running Win10, tried quite a few of the troubleshooting things in the main post, nothing has worked. Here are my logs.

The errors that are jumping out at me:

[-!-ERROR-!-] [CODE: 0x0000] CreateContext() fail to open the registry @ViveSR_CreateContext:21

GetOOBEInstallPath failed 2

[SR_Runtime] [2020-10-22 17:16:14] [LOG] [Device] Searching EyeTracker with result: 0, try count: 9
[SR_Runtime] [2020-10-22 17:16:14] [LOG] [Device] This HMD doest NOT has eye-tracking feature, Error : 0

[Vive SRWorks] [2020-10-22 17:16:19] [LOG] GetOOBEInstallPath failed 2

[LCameraModule] [2020-10-22 17:16:14] [LOG] [Init] camera count 2
[LCameraModule] [2020-10-22 17:16:14] [LOG] [Init] Can not find camera: USB Camera-OV580 
[LCameraModule] [2020-10-22 17:16:14] [LOG] [destroy]


Edited by FrederickTheGr8
  • 2 months later...

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