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Help with solving problems with the controller


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My controller is defined as a tracker, I can not understand what's the matter?

I reinstalled Windows and deleted SteamVR

Removed a pair, re-created

SteamVR remove all usb devices

I think the problem is in the files of the controller itself, is there a reset to the factory settings?

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This is highly abnormal. Usualy this would indicate that that firmware has been modified to change what the device reports itself as. Did you use any tools to modify the devices' firnware?


Prehaps the file SteamVR saves controller pairings to has become corrupt. Here's how to wipe the config file so you can start from scratch:

  1. With SteamVR closed, open Window's explorer and navigate to ....STEAM\steamapps\common\SteamVR\tools\lighthouse\bin\win32

    • In an default installation - this is commonly C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SteamVR\tools\lighthouse\bin\win32 
  2. Right-click "lighthouse_console.exe" and run it as an administrator.

  3. A console will launch, type "unpairall" without the quotation marks and then hit enter. The console should report that all controllers have been unpaired.

  4. Repair the controllers via the normal process. 

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"Did you use any tools to modify the devices' firnware?" 

I'm not sure. 
But a month ago I downloaded "Natural Locomotion" (https://steamcommunity.com/app/798810/). By watching what kind of program, I realized that this is for modding VR and closed it.


( Maybe I chose something there. This is the only thing that I remember where it was, something about. If this is really a modding program)

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